Do you support such marches around Kingdom Halls? Would YOU PERSONALLY hold a sign up to protest the Watchtower Society?? Do you believe this is ultimately effective to get Jehovah's Witnesses out of the Organization???
Poll: Are You For Protests & Marches Against The Witnesses?
by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends
- no
- no
- and no
I've only participated once,....but I am pro peaceful protests/ marches/ picketting.
Is it effective?
The "spiritual" ones are going to say it's persecution,...but it just might cause those living on the fence to open their minds just a little bit more.
Even if a demonstration only helps to open up one persons mind in that cult then I personally think its a success.
Protests have been going on since the dawn of civilization. They must have some positive effect.
I am a fader. I have not gone to a protest against JW's and I don't plan to go to one.That said, I would love to see protests spring up against JW's. It might not get many out of the Hall,
but it would keep many new ones from ever going into the Hall.I have meditated seriously on joining or starting protests if I am ever DF'ed. The problem for someone
with family in the organization is that this fulfills their prophecy that those that leave Jehovah become
evil apostates. If you disagree and just walk away, even a faithful JW relative might understand. If you
protest, you are warped and under Satan's control. You reinforce their fears. It's a tough choice.I think I would only become a protestor after I gave up on family ever waking up, or after family died-
especially if they died over the blood issue. I hope I never give up on family. -
No. Considering that I don't like them and they don't like me, I already gave them far more time and effort than they deserve.
I am against public demonstrations and marches "against" the Witnesses.
For the most part, it only increases JW's persecution complex. And when they feel persecuted they run to "mother". It's the organization, the power behind the religion that we have issues with for the most part. Most JWs are decent, well-meaning people. They're just trapped and don't know it. Make a big scene about how "bad" they are and they're going to ignore the message behind the "hate" they feel is coming their way.
JWs have as much right to be a JW as much as anyone else has a right to join whatever religion they want. We can argue about the policies, the doctrine, the scandals all day, but in the end, if they choose to be a JW, then that's their decision and making a scene about it doesn't help anyone who is trying to delicately show their JW relatives the error of the WTS ways.
It also, whether they want to admit it or not, makes the picketers look a little off-balanced. There may be a valid reason to dislike the religion and its policies, but the truth is, most people don't give a damn about JWs and seeing ex-JWs picketing and marching against their former church just looks a little unbalanced so instead of bringing attention to the issues, you're bringing attention to yourself and it makes people wonder about your sanity.
Hello joanna! And another for your side-kick (LOL, wifey is gonna laugh when she sees me giving out all these smooches!)
No, no, and no.
I think that such protests would have as little effect as the marches that were done every month in front of stepping on a flat beach-ball.
I was involved with a "campaign" about 4 years ago, and wrote letters to every congregation in Oregon. No apparent results.
I'm convinced that the best way to "reach" a JW is by other means.
I would not in favour of feeding their ego and adding to the persecution complex that so many of them have. Anyway these things can backfire and make people curious as to what J W's are about and even have a "Study"
I admit that fear of losing my family stops me from being outspoken . If or when the inevitable happens and I find myself with nothing to lose, I would like to adopt their own techniques - visit another Hall or assembly , get inside and speak to the younger ones , face to face -
{Mind you , one could ask the question hypothetically, "If you were going to make a banner - what would it say? " my first thought is "The J W Religion is a Snare and a Racket "
no but to each it's own
This is most interesting........Like the majority (so far), I'm not into this type of awareness. I think if you're ever going to reach a Witness, you have to do it without a lot of fanfare. JWs are so conditioned to look the other way, feel like they're being persecuted for righteousness' sake and mentally block out "apostasy", and that being the case, I think it's generally counter-productive. Undercover summed it up pretty well.
I have to believe that someone, though, must be affected to take a look at the absurdities of the Witnesses by this means. But I know that when I was a Witnesses, I thought they were all just disgruntled weirdos.