Poll: Are You For Protests & Marches Against The Witnesses?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The times have changed, min. If you had asked this question in the 60's and early 70's when there were many demostrations re the war and civil rights, people might see it as more ordinary. It's hard today for anyone to get a group to march, be it a union, anti-war groups, etc.

    It is easier to get information into the hands of the public and protect their identities.


  • sspo

    No, they are not effective, you only would have the JW laugh at you and reinforcing their stand.

    Time would be spent more wisely going from door to door and informing the public about the witnesses, which of course it might also be a waste of time because most people

    could care less about the witnesses and their teachings.

  • Junction-Guy

    Actually that wasnt me in the zorro costume, I have always shown my face.

    I love picketing, and the only reason I stopped is because I didnt want to lose my job.

    I want the world to know how I was affected by my upbringing in the JW Cult.

    If anyone is gonna picket, do it on Memorial night. Have some well made signs, pass out leaflets.

    I agree that going door to door is the best way to effectively innoculate the public against this cult, but one person can only do so much.

    IF you can get media attention to your picketing, then it will be much better.

    One thing that I have noticed picketing, is that many JW's have supported me by giving me the "thumbs up" sign, much to my surprise.

    They know it's a cult, and they are trapped.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Do you support such marches around Kingdom Halls?

    Whatever floats the boat.

    Would YOU PERSONALLY hold a sign up to protest the Watchtower Society??

    I don't belive so, but am open to suggestions.

    Do you believe this is ultimately effective to get Jehovah's Witnesses out of the Organization???


  • Junction-Guy

    Another thing that would help is having some kind of phone number listed on your sign, so people can call for assistance.

    I would have given anything in the world to have had some kind of local support group available to me when I was younger.

    The web is good for finding out info on the JW's, but talking to people in person and hearing their experiences, helps tremendously.

  • Junction-Guy

    Also a good piece of advice for those contemplating picketing a KH--dont picket the congregation in the territory you live in. It makes it much harder to remain anonymous when the JW's come to your door.

    I got a Memorial invitation this year, however if I were to go to that kingdom hall someone would recognize me immediately, so there is no way I could get by with any kind of activity.

  • Junction-Guy

    In all of my years of attending conventions I only remember one time of any protests, and I got kinda defensive with them, mainly because they represented themselves as a member of another church. If they had introduced themselves as XJW's, then I would have done everything in my power to speak with them and hear what they had to say.

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey, that's a good one Buddy, you have just given me another idea.

  • Death to the Pixies
    Death to the Pixies

    I hear a lot about it feeding the persecution complex, to this I disagree, most JWs I have seen react the same way, Ignore them, then when you get out of earshot make a semi-polite joke. Jws don't seem to take these types seriously. You have to take an opposer seriously to have it feed a persecution complex.

  • Kenneson

    When I was still a JW I attended a convention in Houston, Texas. People stationed outside were handing out tracts. I took a couple of them. I wish I could find them again, but it is highly unlikely. I don't even remember who was putting them out. One was on Jehovah's Witnesses and the Resurrection; the other Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity. I should add they were very thought provoking. Little seeds of doubt were planted. I dismissed the doubts, but they returned and grew.

    I left JWs in 1966. Years later (around 1973-1974) when I lived in the Baton Rouge area, one day I was driving downtown and saw some JWs on the sidewalk advertising the Watchtower and Awake! On impulse, I parked my car, took out my Bible and stood on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. I held the Bible up in the air and began to admonish people to read their Bibles without man-written aids and to ask God to given them wisdom to understand it. No one took their literature.

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