Poll: Are You For Protests & Marches Against The Witnesses?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Going along with these comments, I see little value in such JW demonstrations. JWD seems to be doing a great job---if you ask me!

  • Blueblades

    I remember in the early seventies there were picketeers at the YANKEE STADIUM District Conventions. It had no effect on us what so ever. I think the internet and this forum ( where there are many lurkers ) and some of the book publications by former witnesses do the job much much better. Face to face confrontations only ignite jw's to feel persecuted and to think of us as apostates.


  • minimus

    Yes, Blue. I remember as a young boy in Yankee Stadium looking at these protesters with disdain and intrigue. I used to go to the public library, do my homework and look for forbidden "apostate" books-----just to see if they were filled with hatred as I had always been told. Little seeds were planted in Minimus' head.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Yes!!! because it freaks them out, ha ha ha ha ha ha

    when I was a kid I remember being told that those people work for satan, well my boss isn't really that bad!

  • minimus

    Andre, are you sure that wasn't Stan?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    are protests ever organized on this site? if so I would go if it was close to me, I read about doing it in a Zorro costume well I have a priest costume from 4 halloweens ago?? will that work?

  • Blueblades

    When I moved to PA from NY. I went to the library, and lo and behold out here in the country they have both of Ray Franz's books and the Proclaimers book in the library. And they are dog eared, well used. Some people are getting the truth about the truth even out here in the quiet of the library. We have seen a sister and her little boy doing magazine work only once in a year and a half, having seen any other witnesses anywhere around here.


  • minimus

    Witnesses at every corner is a thing of the past. They'd rather drive from house to house.

  • DJK

    No, it would do little.

    Bumper stickers would last longer and reach more people, and you don't need a permit.

  • minimus

    The consensus is----it's not the preferred route to take. I'm a bit suprised.

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