Poll: Are You For Protests & Marches Against The Witnesses?

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Why do you think it makes you look "really bad"??????

  • M.J.

    In general I don't think it's directly constructive. But I'm starting to think that its long-term effect can be detrimental to the organization as a whole. Social psychologists have determined that, theoretically, the quality of decisions made by an organization decreases, the more it tries to maintain a positive social identity in the face of a threat to that identity. "Groupthink" sets in. The group engages in identity protection as opposed to problem solving.

    See: http://www2.apa.org/ppo/1006ODNI.ppt

  • Gill

    Waste of time!

    I suspect the only way to destroy the WTBTS is to laugh at it. Someone aught to write a Watchtower sitcom!

    I remember one of the first threads I read on here described how the Ku Klux Klan was kept small and in its place by a radio show that mocked it mercilessly. The same could be done with the Watchtower Society. It may well work far better than any march or protest!


    Minimus..You`ll love this..My best friend was tossed out of his house when he was 16,by his "annointed dad".His Dad went on to pioneer where the need was great,till armageddon in 1975..Hawaii..LOL!!..His dad later quit the JW`s.I never met his dad.....I would go to assemblys and this guy would be outside with a bullhorn trashing the JW`s..We all thought this guy was nuts!..Years down the road I find out who the nutcase was with the bullhorn..My friends dad..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    You see: till this day these types are nutcases to us.

  • lonelysheep

    Outlaw--You have the best stories!


    If your going to picket an assembly.Do it in a "Zorro" costume like Junction-Guy did..At least that was funny..Zorro..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • M.J.


    You're probably right. I'm not sure that protests & marches are the best way to put pressure on the org. There are probably much better ways.



  • Jourles

    As everyone else already mentioned, it simply enforces the persecution complex. I've never really seen or heard of these protests inflicting change within the WTS. I believe the WTS knows it doesn't do any good either so they just ignore it and let it pass. The absolute best way in getting through to jw's is by uncovering lies and coverups made by the WTS and putting those up on the web for the world to see in a private setting. A jw would never think about viewing "apostate" material let alone talk with an apostate in a public place. The chance of getting caught might be minimal, but it is nevertheless there. If they can view apostate matierial in private at home or work or even chat with us here on the board all the while being anonymous, that is the best chance for reaching them.

    JW's are conditioned to look away when protesters are present. In fact, my mother, years ago, trained me to not look at the protesters outside of the DA in San Diego. Literally - don't look at them. That sticks with you for a long time.

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