Legal wrangling concerning the Governing Body today from my mom.

by restrangled 38 Replies latest jw friends

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    Who are you?

    Too add a little more to the background of this...Restrangled's mom has already given the WTS $200,000. They don't know her mom from "Adam" other than after she shunned Restrangled, she was going to leave the WTS most of her assets.

    The mother's change of heart and resulting revising of her will which will leave the WTS an additional 20% of her assets instead of 80% of her assets is what prompted this new form.

    My guess is Zack's initial impression, a durable power of attorney which would allow the GB to control all of her assets when she becomes ill. They could then control her estate the second she signs the paper, even before she becomes incapacitated.

    Ah .....what goes on behind the scenes when those faithful widowers decide to leave their assets to the WTS. I guess they make it easy to leave their money....but make it hard to back out of the deal. What a surprise...Apparently $200,000 and an additional 20% isn't enough!!!

  • moshe

    They probably got burned a long time ago when brothers willed their estate to the WTS to be used for Beth Sarim and for King Davids "Welcome home party"! They have to keep it all open ended now.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I never knew that people left assets to the WTS!!!

    That is the craziest thing I've heard in a while!!


  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    I never knew that people left assets to the WTS!!!

    That is the craziest thing I've heard in a while!!

    That's where the real money is. How many magazines does it take to generate $200K compared to one faithful JW dropping it in the WTS laps? Why all the articles on how to leave your assets to the WTS? Easy money... WTS style.

  • anewme

    Good story Restrangled!

    Keep us posted!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Regardless of the outcome for your mother's money, I am happy to hear that she is starting
    to become AWOKE. Perhaps the attorney will help her see the error of dealing with the WTS
    and the greed they get.


    Restrangled..WBT$ change rules and make up new ones as they go along..Your mom could be part of the new WBTS Living Donors Club.....One of the GB needs a new lung..Thats alright!..Restrangleds mom has one..She says we can have it..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • bernadette

    Very interesting resrangled - am glad your mum is so sharp.

  • Navigator

    I'll wager that Restrangled Mom's Attorney got the form from the WTBTS. Those "one size fits all" forms may not work in every state. Louisiana has rules that are different from all the other states.

  • blondie

    Actually the WTS does provide forms for each US state and advises that new forms will have to be filled out if a JW moves to another state.

    *** km 12/04 p. 7 New Provision to Assist Us to Abstain From Blood ***

    The Governing Body has approved combining the essential elements of the durable power of attorney (DPA) document and the AdvanceMedicalDirective/Release card into a single legal document, which we shall refer to generally as a DPA card. A DPA card has been prepared for each state.

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