Too add a little more to the background of this...Restrangled's mom has already given the WTS $200,000. They don't know her mom from "Adam" other than after she shunned Restrangled, she was going to leave the WTS most of her assets.
The mother's change of heart and resulting revising of her will which will leave the WTS an additional 20% of her assets instead of 80% of her assets is what prompted this new form.
My guess is Zack's initial impression, a durable power of attorney which would allow the GB to control all of her assets when she becomes ill. They could then control her estate the second she signs the paper, even before she becomes incapacitated.
Ah .....what goes on behind the scenes when those faithful widowers decide to leave their assets to the WTS. I guess they make it easy to leave their money....but make it hard to back out of the deal. What a surprise...Apparently $200,000 and an additional 20% isn't enough!!!