Final Thought About Atheism

by The wanderer 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Wanderer, do you believe that the Son of Sam killer's dog was really talking to him (or channeling a spirit to talk to him), telling him to kill people; or do you believe that his mind was playing very realistic seeming tricks on him?

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear sixofnine:

    I am not familiar with that topic.


    The Wanderer

  • Abaddon

    The wanderer

    Just to make myself clear, I am asking you for PROOF.

    I could not care less if half the Universities on the planet have research programs (although your claims are vastly inflated as already pointed out). What I care about is PROOF, of, but not limited to;

    • Non-corporeal intelligences
    • Mind reading
    • Precognition
    • Telekenesis
    • Clauradiance

    ... or any other claimed paranormal phenomena.

    I can save you the effort and tell you there is none - at least none that would get published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal or accepted as evidence in a court of law.

    You can say what you like, but this is a FACT. Of course, I can be wrong, in which case you can prove me wrong by showing us the claimed proof so we can determine if it is credible.

    Yes, I know that people SAY this and SAY that, and some of them might not be lying, but that still doesn't PROVE a thing, as sincere people can believe in the hugest sillinesses.

    Now, you might think it credible that millions of people can have made paranormal claims, and that not one of them can prove a thing, and that despite this 0% success rate in proving stuff, there is still some truth in it.

    I think believeing that says more about your standrds of evidence than the actuality of the claims made.

  • Anti-Christ

    Those of you who believe in Telekenesis, raise my hand.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Abaddon:

    What claims have I made that are vastly inflated?
    I have pointed out sources and reasoned on

    This is the telphone number of the Penn State
    paranormal society. 1-814-689-2133.

    What kind of proof are you looking for?
    Video?, Audio?, Thermal images?

    Explain ...

  • Threestars

    Atheism does not preclude there being a realm outside that which we can sense. (Duh!! I cant see the UV spectrum so it doesnt exist) It just precludes superstition about that which we cant see.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    HEAR! HEAR! You said it!!!

    (Does anyone remenber the old Star Trek where, I think, Kirk and Spock had travelled back in time to medieval Europe and they were accused of witchcraft because of their transponder, or, was it their ballpoint pens? Either one back then would have caused that problem. Oh, that's right, teleportation doesn't exist yet--but BALLPOINT PENS DO, and so do radios, TVs, computers, cellphones...)

  • tetrapod.sapien
    All coincidence? Everyone is making it up? It is
    all a hoax?

    two words for you wanderer:

    "pineal gland"

    - it naturally produces the strongest hallucinogen known to man, a tryptamine called DMT (dimetheltryptamine). if you look up DMT, you will find trip experiences that would certainly have been considered paranormal if knowledge of DMT were absent, and the fact that at certain times in our lives we all have spikes in DMT, not including birth and death, in which cases there are high amounts of DMT present. the pineal gland has been implicated in NDE's and OBE's.

    no one is making anything up man. it's all true. it's just also all in their heads. it's funny because the human mind, in some states, is so completely open to suggestion. and yet, the one entity that is capable of creating the strongest suggestion, in those states, is the mind itself.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear tetra:

    So, I guess this becomes discredited then?

    This is the telphone number of the Penn State
    paranormal society. 1-814-689-2133.


    The Wanderer

  • IP_SEC

    SixofNine's question to you was actually very thought provoking... if you would take the time to understand his question.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear IP_Sec:

    I am not familiar with the case in order to
    deliver a proper reply. How can I do that
    and not look foolish?


    The Wanderer

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