Final Thought About Atheism

by The wanderer 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien

    uh, dear wanderer,

    Dear tetra:

    So, I guess this becomes discredited then?

    This is the telphone number of the Penn State
    paranormal society. 1-814-689-2133.


    The Wanderer

    uh, if there is a vigorous methodology with variables that include the pineal gland and DMT, then no, i don't see how it would be discredited. i mean, for god's sake man, they can choose whatever label they want. if it passes peer review and the hypotheses are reproducable time and again, the tone of the label will change in the minds of people pondering the label. jeez. up to this point, it hasn't happened! i wish them much luck, truly!! tetra tetra

  • proplog2

    Little Toe:

    That was a belly buster. I laughed for 5 minutes. "We must pray to the right satan".

  • Abaddon

    The wanderer

    What kind of proof are you looking for?
    Video?, Audio?, Thermal images?

    Explain ...

    Which part of 'evidence acceptable to a peer-review science journal or court of law' don't you get? I don;t care what orm th evidence comes in, I just want it to be robust and unquestionable.

    As regards your exagerated claims, kid-A provided the data on that; your claims re. Oxford and Penn State are unfounded AND you miss the point that EVEN IF your claims about the level of research or credibility thereof were true there is still no PROOF.

    We get this sttement on the website you quoted;

    What is the state-of-the-evidence for psi?
    To be precise, when we say that "X exists," we mean that the presently available, cumulative statistical database for experiments studying X, provides strong, scientifically credible evidence for repeatable, anomalous, X-like effects.

    With this in mind, ESP exists, precognition exists, telepathy exists, and PK exists. ESP is statistically robust, meaning it can be reliably demonstrated through repeated trials, but it tends to be weak when simple geometric symbols are used as targets. Photographic or video targets often produce effects many times larger, and there is some evidence that ESP on natural locations (as opposed to photos of them), and in natural contexts, may be stronger yet.

    Some PK effects have also been shown to exist. When individuals focus their intention on mechanical or electronic devices that fluctuate randomly, the fluctuations change in ways that conform to their mental intention. Under control conditions, when individuals direct their attention elsewhere, the fluctuations are in accordance with chance.

    Note that we are using the terms ESP, telepathy and PK in the technical sense, not in the popular sense. See What do parapsychologists study?

    Great. Where is the data supporting these claims?

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Abbadon:

    As always, I will provide sources of information in
    which you can check and verify yourself.

    This is the telphone number of the Penn State
    paranormal society. 1-814-689-2133.


    Your second highlighted quote of which I do not know where you
    got that, certainly was NOT written by my hand
    or quote from me.

    I had absolutely nothing to do with that.

    Let's cut to the chase ... tell me EXACTLY what
    you are looking for.


    The Wanderer

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Has anyone tried an Oija (French yes/German yes) board? Do they work? If so, I would have to say the spirit world exists on some level. I've been tempted to try one to alay my worries about the existence of God and Jesus. I want them to be real. Would my desire for that reality cause the Oija board to work for me???

  • nvrgnbk
    Has anyone tried an Oija (French yes/German yes) board? Do they work? If so, I would have to say the spirit world exists on some level. I've been tempted to try one to alay my worries about the existence of God and Jesus. I want them to be real. Would my desire for that reality cause the Oija board to work for me???

    That is a fascinating angle you bring to this discussion White Dove. I claim to have no familiarity with Ouija boards. However I have some questions about the subject. Do spirits or demons hang out at the factories where these boards are produced? Why do they attach themselves to said boards in lieu of, let's say checker or chess boards? Do the spirits or demons have so little to keep them occupied that they stand around waiting for curious individuals, including small children,to beckon them with these boards? Just askin'.


  • LongHairGal

    Let me jump into the fray.

    Yes, I personally have had a paranormal experience in childhood. Very frightening. I will admit that I do not know whether this was "good" or "bad" and I do not claim to know the source. I am no expert and I have a healthy fear of the paranormal and will not delve into it.

    We had a ouija board in the house when we were young pre-teens - creepy experiences with it. My mother threw it out.


  • Abaddon

    The wanderer

    Having asked you clearly for proof several times, specified a level of reliability of proof, and given examples of some claimed paranormal powers or entities you could supply proof on, your repeated questions asking me what I want are a result of terminal incomprehension on your part, deliberate or otherwise.

    Unless you actually respond to clear and reasonable requests for information related to the validity of your speculations, there's no point in discussing this further.

  • Warlock


    These naysayers will never be satisfied. If you have proof, they will question the source. Don't waste your time.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Your right Warlock:

    First they say such organizations dealing
    with the paranormal do not exist and they
    are adamant about it.

    Then when you prove beyond any doubt that
    they do exist, they either give you side
    stepping double talk or disappear.

    If they cannot even acknowledge that these
    organizations exist, forget the idea of any

    Bottom line, lost cause ...


    The Wanderer

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