Undocumented Aliens - Further Exploitation

by bluesapphire 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • uninformed


    You wrote:

    No arguements there. My son as been looking for work at the fast-food joints for a year, and has found nothing. He is not a "lazy-ass rich teen," he just wants to earn money so he can quit sponging off of the ex and me.

    It's not just the corporations that gain either. The Dems get cheap votes, and Repubs get more money into their coffers. The whole thing stinks.

    I am a brick layer in Kansas, and probably some of the mexicans who work for me have false papers. However, I pay them all very well, the lowest paid is 13.00 per hour.

    If your son would go to work in the construction industry, I am sure that he could get a good job and even work it into a trade for him. I would avoid roofing and concrete, but brick work, trim carpentry, plumbing, etc. are looking hard for young men to train and have in the trade.

    Good luck. If your son was here, I would hire him.


  • bluesapphire

    The trades is an excellent opportunity for anyone to get a good paying job if they want to work hard and can't afford or don't want to pursue college. I think electrician's union has the best scale.

  • Terry

    There aren't many clear heads analyzing this problem. That is for certain!

    "Greedy" corporations?

    The more a corporation pays to produce goods or services the HIGHER THE PRICE you will pay for it at the end.

    Why? Because a business is only a business when it makes more than it spends. That is the incentive for creating a business and operating it.

    Once the consumer is asked to pay more for goods and services the ripple will send a shock wave through the economy.

    Now, as far as the Mexican workers--what about them?

    There are three kinds of Mexican workers.

    1.Those who approach citizenship through legal channels.

    2.Those who seek a job by illegal means and who obey the laws once they are here.

    3.Those who work or live illegally AND commit crimes while in our country.

    It does no good to have laws on the books if they are not enforced.

    What if you came home from work one day and found a family living in your backyard? You ask them to please leave and they refuse. Then, they go into your kitchen and start eating your groceries. You demand that they stop. But, they refuse and point to the fact they have children to feed who will go hungry if you don't let them eat your groceries. You call the police and the police refuse to make them leave or arrest them.

    At what point would you consider this a problem? What if your neighbors and the city council demanded that you pay this family to work for you and you had to pay out of your own pocket?

    You see, when I put it on PERSONAL terms it sounds quite outrageous, doesn't it? Would you be considered greedy if you wouldn't share your nice big house and yard and groceries?

    People everywhere have a right to improve their lives by going where they have better opportunity for themselves and their families. However, we must ask the question: DO PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO WHERE THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED AND DO AS THEY PLEASE?

    If we can't answer such a question honestly, rationally and prudently without injecting rhetoric and emotionally false arguments; we will have to suffer the consequences.

    A lot of crime (perhaps as much as 30%) is committed by people who are here illegally and who are not arrested and prosecuted BECAUSE they are aliens.

    Think about it.

  • Gregor

    Whoa, hold on a minute! The Dems have the balls to protest the enforcement of written law concerning illegal immigrants out of one side of their mouth and then protest that they are nothing more than underpaid slaves out of the other, (the Caesar Chavez worshippers) doing jobs that US citizens "won't do" (what a stupid statement).

    Could this possibly be a simple case of cynical political posturing by lib/dems to cultivate voters ?

  • Terry
    Could this possibly be a simple case of cynical political posturing by lib/dems to cultivate voters ?

    Both parties have a yellow streak on this issue.

    The Republicans are soft on business interests (cheap labor.)

    The Democrats are big on entitlement programs (tax and spend.)

    Neither have the gumption to really address actual issues, so, they posture and pontificate.

  • carla

    I don't understand how illegal aliens who are paid under the table are paying taxes to anything. How do they get free health care? doesn't your home town have a free medical clinic where the only thing you must give is your name? No ID required? no ss number, no nothing. They access many, many social services and yes often using fake ss numbers and/or fake drivers license as well. I could go get a few myself right now, good grief, in high school many moons ago I could have gotten a fake one and a fake ss number to go along with it and I lived in the suburbs! (research yourself identy theft and illegal aliens) If you don't speak english it is politically incorrect to deny them anything, you are villified and called a racist. The term is illegal and should be called what it is, illegal. How do they go to school? are you kidding? how do schools get federal funding? it is by the number of students. We have schools here that want to start charging parents for taking their kids out for vacations during regular school days, why? because it messes up their federal funding and they feel the parents should make up for it.

    I know a family right now that has lost everything, some due to circumstances beyond their control, and largely by their own very bad choices. They now live where many illlegals live, who can get free denstistry and health care. The folks I know work very hard in dismal jobs but make that very little over to qualify for the very things their illegal alien neighbors get for free. Simply because you don't know how to work the system doesn't mean it can't be done.

  • sammielee24
    Once the consumer is asked to pay more for goods and services the ripple will send a shock wave through the economy

    Be that as it may - perhaps its time to pull back and balance out the economy. Cheap imports are rising all the time while exports are way down. Our food is 85% import and yet only 1% is checked to ensure it meets the US standards for American consumption. We throw away more than we keep because we buy the cheap stuff, overuse credit to do so and keep the machine going. Maybe we need to make sure that everyone is paid a living wage and get back to buying 'in house' goods and eating home grown foods. Maybe we need to turn away from such blatant consumerism, let some of the junk in the landfill rot, buy local and all will balance out. If it costs more to make it, and it costs more to buy it then maybe we'll buy less of it and make it last longer. Maybe corporations will see a reduction in activity but then again, maybe CEO's will learn not to expect nor recieve bonus checks in the millions of dollars and more money will be turned back into the company.

    All things can balance out but it takes guts to start. Houses are bigger than ever yet families are smaller. We have 3 cars in the driveway when 20 years ago you were happy to have 1. We have televisions in every room, phones and computers plugged in to every outlet and a cell phone strapped to our hip every second of the day. sammieswife.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I'm sure they wouldn't be here "illegally" if there was a viable way for them to be here legally

    With all due respect, there are legal ways to emigrate to the United States. I have a friend who spent a great deal of time and money to gain citizenship here legally. But she did so. There are millions of undocumented workers (would you prefer that term?) who have chosen not to follow the law. They have, instead, chosen to enter this country, and stay, illegally.

    I truly believe the problem the majority of Americans have with illegal aliens (undocumented workers, etc.) is the very fact that they are here illegally. They have chosen to break the law. I think the vast majority of Americans would welcome any immigrant so long as the rule of law is followed.

    Forgive me bluesapphire, but what is your solution to this problem? How would you reform immigration? Realize that we've already tried general amnesty (Reagan did so in 1986). 20 years later, and we're right back where we started. If we grant general amnesty today, that solves the problem for 12 million or so people. So what do we do in 2027? And is it really right or fair to ignore a group of people who deliberately break the law just because there are 12 million law breakers?

    People everywhere have a right to improve their lives by going where they have better opportunity for themselves and their families. However, we must ask the question: DO PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO WHERE THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED AND DO AS THEY PLEASE?

    Terry, Lou Dobbs on CNN.com did an excellent article on immigration reform a couple of months ago. I tried to search for it but couldn't find it. Basically his feeling was: a pox on both houses (Democrats and Republicans). Neither has shown any interest in true immigration reform, mainly for their own self-interest (read: their political contriubtors' interest).

    I would rephrase your question above as "Do people have the right to ignore whatever laws they please?"

    There are legal ways to enter the U.S. That millions of people have ignored those legal means and ways and instead entered and stayed underground does not make it right.

    And yes they are being exploited. Very often undocumented workers take horrible jobs for less than minimum wage. The Dallas Morning News recently ran a series of articles regarding a meat packing plant in a small Texas town that was raided and hundreds of workers were arrested and deported. The town damn near shut down. Children were left without one or both parents.

    There is enough blame to go around on this issue. Liberal, conservative, Democrat and Republican all have much to answer for. And the Bush plan is, in my opinion, a farcical joke. But so is general amnesty. I think some sort of middle ground should be established whereby borders are protected, companies are made to follow established employment law and immigrants are required to follow immigration law.

    It won't happen of course as special interests will, as usual, prevail.


  • bluesapphire

    Soooo, does anyone want to venture and guess what they will do with $3500 per worker every three years plus $10,000 per PERSON wanting to stay her legally? Say you're a mom and a dad with two kids, That's $40K you would have to pay to live legally in the good 'ole US of A!That's a lot of money, dontcha think?

    Sounds like the issue is about money ... or not. I'm sure they're looking out for the best interests of the country *cough cough*.

    The fact is we can debate this until we're blue in the face 1000 times. But the actions of the powers that be clearly show us that we NEED the undocumented workers and we need them to stay ILLEGAL.

    Because if they become legal, their wages will go up. We can't have that happen, can we? Then who will we exploit?

    The people taking over the back yard analogy has been tried time and again. It doesn't apply because, really, unless you're indigenous to this land, the argument slaps back atcha!

    You know, it makes sense to open the borders. Then anyone coming through legitmately will go through the proper channels and anyone with a mischievous agenda will be easily spotted. A friend will enter through the front door. A foe will use the window or a back door.

  • bluesapphire
    With all due respect, there are legal ways to emigrate to the United States. I have a friend who spent a great deal of time and money to gain citizenship here legally. But she did so. There are millions of undocumented workers (would you prefer that term?) who have chosen not to follow the law. They have, instead, chosen to enter this country, and stay, illegally.

    Hiya Big Tex!

    The thing is that if you make it impossible to legalize, you are creating the problem for yourself. I am here legally. But if I weren't and I wanted to come here legally, how would I come up with the $60,000 it would take to do it?

    Read the initial post. Could you do this?

    The laws defeat their own purpose and set up the "illegal system". This is done on purpose to satisfy the need for cheap labor and a group to exploit. Not only the U.S. has such a system. The Nicaraguans are exploited in the same way in Costa Rica.

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