If I were God, I wouldn't of let it happen in the first place, these are my children, why would I let them suffer?
Where did you get the idea that you are a child of God? You cannot stop sinning can you? Yet, you imagine that God has some sort of responsibility toward you don't you..... even as you are his enemy? Most people do this to comfort themselves in this fallen world. But, there is just one problem.... it isn't true. If, of course you could stop attacking God through your lying, lusts, greed and selfishness, then God, as any parent would care for you, beyond your wildest dreams.
For instance, if a child down the street from me gets abused in some way, who will the police arrest? The child's parents of course, not me. So, why then do you judge God by a different standard than you judge your neighbor? Would you like the courts to make you eternally responsible for your various neighbors' kids or just your own? Just treat God the way you want to be treated and you'll get a lot more mileage out of your thinking.... and his blessing.
On the other hand, if you choose to simply beleive in the non existence of God, you are faced with other problems. All experience is cause and effect. So, without God you must believe in an infinite digression of cause and effect events. Since this is beyond the labroratory, it enters the realm of faith. How do you explain the future? If time has an infinite past, wouldn't we be stuck in the present? (one moment past for one moment present). How does the future get here without a beginning? Why would some people choose an unintelligent "First Cause" as opposed to an intelligent one?
Atheists are forced to beleive in an unintelligent God of infinite digression of cause and effect events, or an unintelligent first cause. Sadly, the unintelligent facet of their belief system is the dominant feature of many of its adherents' posts. For instance, I once started a thread directed toward whether atheism was dangerous or not. All the atheists seem to agree thay they get their notions of good and bad from something called "social conditioning".
Fascinated by this source that apparently directs atheists, I asked several questions:
1. How do you know if the social conditions are true?
2. Are there any examples in history of people being mislead by social conditions?
3. Can social conditions be manipulated?
4. Where do the social engineers and corporate advertisers go to get their notions of right and wrong?
5. Who is in control of that source?
Not surprisingly, none of the atheists wanted to examine the source that directs them even though it effects their everyday life!
If good and bad changes as social conditions change, then it is just a matter of time before what you say is good today will be what is bad tomorrow. When judging, how can you be sure your "present truth" won't be falsified tomorrow? If so, then are you qualified to judge anything? Are you qualified even to speak intelligently? Or, are you qualified to only speak unintelligently, thus imitating the atheist god.