I always wonder how you can get the spittle of the inside of my screen after I have read one of Perry's posts.
Cyber-pharasee, cut and paste Calvanist.
He is so much more interested in vindicating his self-rightous self than vindicating god.
Funny how someone who scorns atheists for setting themselves up as god does exactly the same thing (not that atheists actually do that, but he does).
He is blind to the fact that by selecting an interpretation of scripture as 'truth', when a thousand or more different shades of Christianity alone have their own 'truths', when none can show by their fruits or by proofs they are any more right in the specifics of Christian practise, he is making himself god by the conceit his opinon can be more right than the next sincere Christian.
He rants and raves when his limited understanding and vanity make him feel he can make some form of argument. And ignores or flees those that he cannot answer