Did God ever Exist?

by found-my-way 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker

    I believe that God exists.

    I cannot prove it except by the creation around me? Why else do we marvel at flowers, animals and the universe?

    However, I cannot explain why God permits suffering - after all, Jesus died 2 milleniums ago - the price was paid - where are the goods (everlasting life, physical perfection)

    I sum it up by this phrase which is not of my own originality

    God is too powerful to give consideration to fairness.

  • nvrgnbk
    or is your bird your only companion in this world, and do you find some measure of comfort in the feathery bossom of its bird breast?

    Hey found, easy with the thinly-veiled bestiality reference. Perry doesn't look that kinky to me......but one

    never can be sure.


  • FireNBandits

    Hey Found-My-Way. What if "God" is a figment of the human imagination? At least the Theist/Deist/Polytheist/Henotheist version? What if "God" is the Ground and Source of all Being, the sum total of all that is? What if the space-time continuum is Consciousness? Not personal consciousness but Consciousness itself? Not conscious OF any "thing" unless it is manifesting as a cosmos? Then it is "God" who is suffering and pleasuring, dying and being born, etc. This is the reality I discovered. I call this supreme reality Universal Mind for want of a better term. It's useful.

    When you die all you take with you is whatever degree of selfless Love you've learned and developed. I get asked if one ceases to exist at death. The answer is yes and no, no and yes. Does a drop of water cease to exist when it returns tothe ocean? Yes. No.

    "Don't fear the reaper." -Martin

  • FireNBandits

    WOW GARYBUSS! Thanks for some VERY VERY VERY cool pics! Mind boggling! I love them!

  • FireNBandits

    Narkissos! Oh ye of great and little faith! Dispeller of darkness, dreamer of dreams! Your posts are on a par with those of Leolaia. Greetings and permutations. I have great news! I met a businessman yesterday and I am negotiating with him to buy the Eiffel Tower. It's going to be torn down for scrap iron soon and be replaced by an even taller concrete obelisk. The obelisk will have a McDonalds at the top. I want a Royale with cheese. Anyway, I'm going to get the scrap metal for like a dollar per ton! Can you believe it? Hehehe. -Saint Martin of Tours

  • abbagail

    Last week there were several documentaries on TV about this question, "Does God Really Exist?", and others re: whether the Resurrection of Jesus was true, whether the Gospels are true, whether God exists, etc. etc.

    They had brief re-enactment testimonies of several former non-believers, which may be of interest to some folks:

    Nuclear Engineer and Scientist, Robert W. Faid, whose book is entitled: "A Scientific Approach to Christianity" :
    Paperback - Oct 1990; Paperback - 1991; and "A Scientific Approach to Biblical Mysteries" Paperback - Jan 1993:

    Attorney Frank Morison, whose book is entitled: "Who Moved the Stone?" :

    Simon Greenleaf of Harvard Law School (late 1800s), who wrote: "The Testimony of the Evangelists"

    Unrelated to the documentaries, there's another book by attorney Randy D. Singer:
    "The Cross Examination of Jesus Christ" (Hardcover) :




  • bluebell

    Thats a good way to look at things if you want to believe in a creator and then take it out the picture. i don't know what i believe. hubby says that if i ever just live each day for today and quit worrying then i will feel much better.

    i wasn't a nice person as a dub, i like to think i'm nicer now, but do i need a belief in god to be nice?

    and i looked it up - that is how the marvel universe was created and my hubby didn't know hahaha i found out something he didnt know! w00t

  • Abaddon

    I always wonder how you can get the spittle of the inside of my screen after I have read one of Perry's posts.

    Cyber-pharasee, cut and paste Calvanist.

    He is so much more interested in vindicating his self-rightous self than vindicating god.

    Funny how someone who scorns atheists for setting themselves up as god does exactly the same thing (not that atheists actually do that, but he does).

    He is blind to the fact that by selecting an interpretation of scripture as 'truth', when a thousand or more different shades of Christianity alone have their own 'truths', when none can show by their fruits or by proofs they are any more right in the specifics of Christian practise, he is making himself god by the conceit his opinon can be more right than the next sincere Christian.

    He rants and raves when his limited understanding and vanity make him feel he can make some form of argument. And ignores or flees those that he cannot answer

  • nvrgnbk

    Yo Abaddon!


  • Perry
    Have you ever told a lie? What does that make you?

    You seem to have a special problem when it comes to looking at yourself, so let me phrase it this way so that it is easier for you to digest:

    If I lied to you, what would that make me?

    See how easy that was?

    Now, I ask you again. Have you ever told a lie?

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