Don Imus Fired!

by minimus 217 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan
    If you are going to move for an especially sensitive America--and you wish for this to extend even to comedians and other entertainers, then you cannot condemn some of them--while giving lip service where others are concerned.

    I watch standup comedy, not a lot, but enough, and I don't recall ever seeing a white comedian making the sort of racial slurs such as what Don Imus made. Not in recent memory anyway.

    17 years ago I laughed without a second thought at Andrew Dice Clay's ranting about Asians - "you can blindfold these people with dental floss!". How well would that joke go over today to a mainstream audience? Like I said previously, the zeitgeist has changed.

    And isn't Michael Richard's career pretty much over after his recent racist ranting debacle?

  • BrentR

    Al Sharpton does not have very clean hands. Maybe we should look at a little video made by one of his friends. Sharpton helped to organize a rally in New York for this guy and considered him a friend. After this guy died he donated $10,000 to help cover his funeral expenses.

    This is very offensive but also revealing about a huge double standard in our society.

    Where is the outrage over this little gem of a speech? I have to keep reminding myself that only white males can be biggots and racists, everyone else gets a complete pass.

    This is rapidly comming to boiling point and when it backfires and explodes it will be ugly. I have many white male friends that are sick and tired of this and I fear what lies ahead in the future. Pissed off people are only going restrain themselves for so long before snapping.

  • minimus

    This is what I think----I know many black people who call themselves "ni##er" and others the same without consequence. If another person not of the same race says something equally inappropriate, they wanna hang them. Not fair! I don't think it's ok to call persons ethnic slurs.

    Regarding Sharpton and Jesse, they have played the race card and the truth is they dislike guys like Obama who speaks of unity. These others thrive on divisions.

  • EnlightenedMind

    I'm not familiar with Imus or what he's said in the past, but here are two points:

    For one, Imus called them "nappy-head" hos, which is too close to another n-word for my and most black people's comfort. The connotation is there. Rappers and black people say the n-word, and I don't think that's a good thing either, but white people should not use it or any connotation of it, ever, under any circumstances, ever, ever, ever. Is it a double standard? Who cares! Just don't say it. It's very simple. Jeff Foxworthy can call white people rednecks all day long, but I'm not going to do it because it will be perceived a different way if I say it. And I don't whine about there being a double standard because, having no desire to use the word, I really could care less if it's a double standard.

    Secondly, rappers call women ho's all the time, and that's just one of the many reasons why I don't buy or listen to that kind of rap music. The difference here is that Imus was referring to a specific identifiable group of women who did nothing whatsoever to incur that type of insult. I don't listen to his show, but has he ever referred to a group of white female athletes as a bunch of nappy-headed hos? By his comment, he specifically identified these few black women, and he called them whores, and they have every right to be offended.

  • minimus

    WOW! WHAT A VIDEO!!!! Yeah, Al Sharpton's associates want to kill white people.

    You know what they say about association. "Bad association spoils useful habits"

    When you associate with such ones you become just like them.

  • Confession
    I watch standup comedy, not a lot, but enough, and I don't recall ever seeing a white comedian making the sort of racial slurs such as what Don Imus made. Not in recent memory anyway.

    Okay, well, you should know that they do make potentially offensive racial jokes and comments all the time--again, when they're joking. Here are just a few from one comedian, Sarah Silverman.

    "Everybody blames the Jews for killing Christ, and then the Jews try to pass it off on the Romans. I’m one of the few people that believe it was the blacks."

    "I will tell you something that I truly believe: That if black people were in Germany during World War II, the Holocaust would have never happened. (pause) Or, not to Jews..."

    "Everyone knows that the best time to get pregnant is when you're a black teenager."

    And why is it you only want to discuss "white comedians"--and not black comedians?

    17 years ago I laughed without a second thought at Andrew Dice Clay's ranting about Asians - "you can blindfold these people with dental floss!". How well would that joke go over today to a mainstream audience?

    Jokes about Asians? Miss Silverman has plenty of those too. Here's one...

    I got in trouble for saying the word “Chink” on a talk show, a network talk show. It was in the context of a joke. Obviously. That’d be weird. That’d be a really bad career choice if it wasn’t. But, nevertheless, the president of an Asian-American watchdog group out here in Los Angeles, his name is Guy Aoki, and he was up in arms about it and he put my name in the papers calling me a racist, and it hurt. As a Jew—as a member of the Jewish community—I was really concerned that we were losing control of the media. Right? What kind of a world do we live in where a totally cute white girl can’t say “Chink” on network television? It’s like the fifties. It’s scary... there are only two Asian people that I know that I have any problem with, at all. One is, uh, Guy Aoki. The other is my friend Steve, who actually went pee-pee in my Coke. He’s all, ‘Me Chinese, me play joke.’ Uh, if you have to explain it, Steve, it’s not funny.
    And isn't Michael Richard's career pretty much over after his recent racist ranting debacle?

    It might be. But what do you think? Was that a joke or entertainment? Or did he lose it--in a legitimately crazed emotional freak-out?

  • MsMcDucket

    When you associate with such ones you become just like them.

    You ought to know.

  • minimus

    If Howard Stern said that, Robin Givens would probably laugh. Stern went on Sirius because he was not able to say whatever he wanted in public. Perhaps Imus will go there too. I dunno. He looks like he's ready to croak at any moment.

    Regarding comedians, I've heard them give unbelievable racial jokes. Homophobic. Ethnic. You name it. It's funny. If a comedian laughs about their own as let's say a lesbian may down gays, it's a riot. If others do it, it's picking on them. Outlaw it for everyone and make the playing field fair.

  • RubaDub

    With the exception of being surgically altered, I can't think of an uglier creature than Don Imus.

    Basically, a walking skeleton with a shaggy mop on his head and a cowboy hat.

    Rub a Dub

  • minimus

    MsMcDucket, just in case you wonder, most of my best friends are black. But it's funny. I hang out with an ex-pimp quite often (yes I know this is hard to believe), and he HATES hanging around with other blacks. Actually, I never quite understood that as he still dresses like a pimp.

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