So there is only one way of thinking if you are black?
Don't lump us all into one kind. This was done to the indians. Remember the saying: "There's only one good kind of an indian, a dead indian".
by minimus 217 Replies latest jw friends
So there is only one way of thinking if you are black?
Don't lump us all into one kind. This was done to the indians. Remember the saying: "There's only one good kind of an indian, a dead indian".
I wasn't - It was you referring to the other poster as a "house" kind.
What did you mean by that? And why did you say that?
I wasn't - I was you referring to the other poster as a "house" kind.
What did you mean by that? And why did you say that?
He's got the survival instinct.
....By the way, I'm black.
I could tell. You sound like one of them "house" kinds. Now, that's used in a bad way!
You said the above, MrsMcD - I think we all know what you meant and we both know what a shit storm it would create if another poster called that poster a "house" kind - in reference to their blackness.
I think it goes to show that you are never too old to ruin your reputation.
I agree Don Imus looks ill.
He's probably going a little whacko.
He needs a change and time to re-think his values.
Hurray for the Rutgar Girls and the Black Americans on this one!
Hurray for us all that the public is showing it is SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE TRASH TALK and proving it by pulling the plugs on the money supporting it.
You said the above, MrsMcD - I think we all know what you meant and we both know what a shit storm it would create if another poster called that poster a "house" kind - in reference to their blackness.
Why would you do that? He's on your side.
Um, I don't have a "side" MrsMcD. What "side" is that poster on that would warrant you calling them a "house" kind? I don't think what Imus said was anything but ignorant, same as rappers. And I think what you've said is much what Imus said. You disagreed, apparently with this black poster so you called him/her a "house" kind. Yet you want to rail again Imus and you are different how?
You disagreed, apparently with this black poster so you called him/her a "house" kind. Yet you want to rail again Imus and you are different how?
Because I'm black. I don't go around calling people nigga's, or bitches, or ho's. I don't go around calling people spic's, himey's, or pollocks either. Now if I were to say "nigga please" to my friend, he wouldn't be offended by it. But if I were to say to a hispanic person, you "wet back" go back to Mexico that would be racist. You follow me?
Oh so as a black person you can call another black person a "house" n-word, and it's NOT racist?! It seems pretty insulting to me. And you pointedly say:
"You sound like one of them "house" kinds. Now, that's used in a bad way! "
So it sounds like you are admitting you used it in a bad way - the racist way. One word, two standards
You follow me?
....By the way, I'm black.
I could tell. You sound like one of them "house" kinds. Now, that's used in a bad way!
You said the above, MrsMcD - I think we all know what you meant and we both know what a shit storm it would create if another poster called that poster a "house" kind - in reference to their blackness.