Yes in fact I get laughed at because I will drink a double esspresso followed by coffe and an energy drink just to wake up.
LOL, welcome to the club :p.
Ok, here is the potion I came up by myself since no one could help me either. It took a while experimenting but I think I've got the balance right so now every morning I would have all of this. Aloe Vera cup, Liquid Iron, Omega 3 fish oil couple of capsules, antioxidants 1, minerals 1, (gotta make sure it has Selenium in it), and mix of ginseng and ginko biloba plus 1 raw carrot. I don't know why but it works. I still have my coffee but I think now it is more of a custom than necessity.
But that is probably a diet problem, if I was taking right foods in right amounts that wouldn't be a problem. But ever since I'm on my own I had bad habit of eating sporadically, I have a problem that I never feel hungry, so for the last several years all I eat during a day are different seeds, almond, chestnut, etc, heck I'm turning into a bird, lol.
Another thing that helps even more are my MA sessions which teaches you how to breath properly and focus your brain on coordinated movements and balance.