Has the WTS ever made a prediction that came true?

by Leander 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla


    okay, ill simplify my question and hopefully you can answer it: do you or do you not, personally, think that the society has been or is included in what you referred to as "gods true prophets"?


  • nytelecom1

    my turn

    i predict that if alanf ever calls me stupid
    face to face I would crack his skull

    damn this andro

  • JT

    ny1 says:

    A prophet is one who proclaims messages attributed to a divine source.


    it is very clear how little you understand about wt

    If the WT did bible "Commentary" they would be fine- the problem is and the failure of so many like yourself is that you fail to see the difference between giving bible commentary( opinion of the writer)

    and one who claims to be the vrey MouthPC of God-

    until you understand the difference you will continue to miss the issue of claiming to be a Prophet- you are not the first and you will not be the last one to use the very weak argument that you do.

    to the avg jw they see no difference in the following statement

    the bible says
    god says
    jesus says
    the society says-

    the mere fact that the wt tries to align itself in the league with THE PROPHETS OF OLD is very revealing indeed

    allow me to share one example- (transplant dogma) it was never taught as AN OPINION or commentary on some bible vs instead it was taught as the VERY WILL OF GOD AND HOW DID WE KNOW it was the will and view of god--HIS MOUTHPC TOLD US- duhhhhhhhhhhh - PROPHET MY MAN

    DO YOUR home work is what i advise you to do- there is nothing worst than seeing person like yourself come into a forum such as this and are so unaware of the teaching of the org-

    i suggest do more research on issues AS THEY SAY DOWN SOUTH


  • nytelecom1

    ok jdub

    personal opinion

    true prophet- messenger --yes

    true prophet-predicter --no

  • dungbeetle

    Would love a comment on this...When the prediction was made...'millions now living would never die' in the twenties, that prediction has actually NOT come true or been false YET>

    The estimates according to (and I will link to this after I've had more coffee) US Institiue on Ageing -I think- are that there are still about 2 million people alive in the US (where most of these people are)but they are in their nineties and how much longer can they last.

    If I were God I would NOT allow Armegeddon to come untill these people are dead....don't want to break Rutherford's track record.


    Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...

  • JT

    NY1 SAYS: "as far as i know"

    At least you are honest- cause it is clear you certainly don't know

    one of the biggest trip JR Brown use to tell us when i was at bethel was how they used GET AWAY OR BACK DOOR WORDS
    such as :

    could be
    appears to be

    so up till when they change thier view they can enforce their dogma iwth the penlty of DF - but if they need to change then they can say

    we didn't say FOR SURE ONLY "PERHAPS'

    most of us are used to the great word game that the boys in writing us along with a few persons like yourself

    Bill Clinton can't lay a glove on the boys in writing when it comes to splitting words

    what is IS


  • AlanF

    Well there, nytelecom, it's obvious that you're a violent and thoroughly unchristian claimant to Christianity. And of course, the fact that you must resort to threats of physical violence rather than dealing with facts proves without question that you're not only mentally stupid, but morally stupid (look it up in WTS publications if you don't know what that means) as well as hypocritical.

    It's sad that Jehovah's Witnesses produce such sorry excuses for human beings. But then, fundamentalism of all kinds does the same thing.


  • DIM

    true prophet- messenger --yes
    true prophet-predicter --no

    This doesn't make any sense - on one hand you are saying that Jehovah gives the WTS the true information (messenger) but on the otherhand the information that they predict is wrong (predicter). maybe i'm just not getting your logic, but this seems to be a contradiction or "doublethink"

  • nytelecom1

    the message is the bible

    ok this is getting way old

  • JT

    ny1 SAYS:society
    true prophet- messenger --yes


    THIS IS perfect example of how little this person knows about wt

    he refers to them as a "Messenger"

    3 quick questions

    1. who do they claim to be a messenger for?
    2. are there anyone else who can be the messager other than wt

    3. Are all the messenges that they have given from God- tranplant, alternative service, no whole blood or fractions- then shift to some fractions

    you see the problem is simple they claim to be the messenger of God or as they put it THE MOUTH PC OF GOD

    so what happens when they get the messenge wrong- did god give them the wrong one or did they get it wrong and made up some stuff and signed god's name to it

    you can dance all day my man the fact is the WT publications do more to reveal the errors of thier teaching than anything else

    when you claim to speak for god, claim that he directs you and then you still get it wrong you got some problems on your hand


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