Has the WTS ever made a prediction that came true?

by Leander 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla

    i was going to try and drop this thread, but i feel i must now defend my own name.

    if you are referring to jdub, any outrage i feel towards him goes
    back to the nyc events, and his total callousness

    as i said before, i never spoke to nytel about his feelings on nyc. i wasnt calloused about the events by any means though, i can tell you that, as i have friends that live in nyc, and were directly affected with lost loved ones. it was a horrible tragedy, and i dont know how any american, any human could not be completely saddened and affected emotionally by it all.

    i could dig up the thread nytel is referring to, but whats the point? he has shown his credibility on this thread nicely. what he is referencing is a comment i made about him being "on the phone with his neighbor" who was looking for their loved one in ny. nytel had been posting ALL DAY on this one thread, and when he refused to comment on someones questions (as he always does), he then used the excuse that he was "on the phone, etc.", but suspiciously then continued to post the rest of the day on the same thread, and others. this phone call took up so much of his energy that he couldnt respond to specific questions, but then he was fine to respond to everything else. it was truly ridiculous. if anything, i felt badly that he had to use such a tragedy as an excuse for something as petty as a discussion on this forum. by doing that, in my mind, he had disrespected all involved in the nyc events.


  • DIM

    i'm a non believing active JW......but i don't care who you are or what religion you are, people just shouldn't talk that way to one another.

  • sweetone2377

    I was unaware of how many false predictions the WTS has made with dates, actual dates - untill recently. I found in my study and reading of just how many false predictions there were, other than just 1914 and 1975 (which I did learn via the KH, but only touched on briefly) but they try to keep the other dates away from the r&f. If you listen to what they say at present, you would never learn of these other false predictions. This thread is very informative and when I have more time, I would like to delve into deeper.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • bboyneko

    Being a JW you are in adolescent-dependent relationship with the society..do as we say while under our roof or off you go to the cold heartless world. When you leave or start to leave you still have a childish mentality in your head as to how relationships go, an almost bratty, snobby attitude as well. Hopefully they will grow out of it. Mud slinging is a waste of mud and slings.

  • LDH

    Having observed this thread for the last few days (and purposely NOT commenting), I'd like to offer this little suggestion.

    Since I spanked NYT's ass on a number of occasions, and showed him to be a word manipulator (but not a very good one), you all should have seen that his M.O. is to hijack threads.

    He is interested only in twisting words, like his father the Devil. "Is it not written in the Scriptures," NYT? Ring a bell?

    Before you respond to NYT in the future, please remember his persona is little different than that of You Know's, and decide from that whether his 'interpretation' of what the WBTS says and does is based on his complete brainwashing.

    He serves no real purpose here (or anywhere else from what I can tell) and you would be well advised to ignore his toddler temper tantrums. I have scolded him like a child, and he has been sent to the time-out corner, permanently.

    Leander I'm sorry your thread was hijacked. Start another one and maybe you'll get the answers you were looking for.

    JT, as usual, your words are succinct.


  • Norm

    Yes, they were able to get it right once. They predicted that after the year 1924, 1925 would follow. That was the only time.


  • Leander

    Thanks for the concern LDH, even though the post was somewhat sidetracked I really don't mind. Kind of gives me a little insight on some of the members here. I've also learned some new things in regards to the many failed predictions.

  • JBean


    you sound very, very angry... and I don't think it's just from this thread or any name-calling either. I was really, really angry all the time too when I was attending all meetings and trying to to EVERYTHING that the WBTS wanted. You should really take a step back and start taking care of yourself. If you are proud that you don't conform and that you don't "run" to the elders, etc., etc... then I hate to tell ya, but you are NOT a true JW. So why keep defending them?

  • AlanF

    Poor, poor nytelecom. Truly an angry fence rider directing his rage at those merely pointing out where he sits.

    Stupid is as stupid does. Stupidity is the inability or refusal to see facts. How do you not fit that?


  • larc


    I wrote a response to you that you have ignored. I stated that based on your definitions, as I understand them, I have concluded that the WT is both a false messenger and a false prophet. I did not call you any names. I simply made a rational response to your anlaysis. Since my response, you seem to have drifted away from the original content, i.e., your position on WT prophecy and Biblical interpretation.

    I have purposely written my second post to you in a more verbose style, hoping that you might take the time to read it and give your rejoinder. Perhaps, you over looked my first post because of its brevity, which does not imply that it was unimportant. Please reread my original post along with this one before responding. Your consideration of my analysis would be appreciated.

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