Has the WTS ever made a prediction that came true?

by Leander 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • nytelecom1

    hardly, i wish i could feel sorry about your mom.. but i dont.
    she was good dead or not....

    Maynard james Keenan--

    "do unto others as they have done unto you"

    just as you had felt no pity for me during the events of ny.

    i have grown accustomed to your name calling when you dont
    get the answers you want...it's always the last resort of
    the desperate

  • nytelecom1

    seeker ..i did look upt that sight..it was interesting indeed....
    please cut and paste the points you are especially interested in

  • dubla


    hardly, i wish i could feel sorry about your mom.. but i dont.
    she was good dead or not....

    im quite sure she was, and this is a very sad attempt at getting to me. i give you kudos for showing your true colors though.

    "do unto others as they have done unto you"

    just as you had felt no pity for me during the events of ny.

    i never spoke specifically to you about your feelings on the events of ny, so this argument is mute. i do pity all that were affected though, and ive done what i can to help.

    as far as your little pathetic "do unto others" analogy, even if i wouldve shown you less than pity about ny, are you saying that speaking of getting my dead mother up the a** would be a good equalizer in this situation? you are demented son, but i expect that of a fence rider. i was there once, and i know the pain and confusion you must have penned up inside of you. once you choose your path and truly follow it, you will be much closer to peace with yourself.

    i have grown accustomed to your name calling when you dont
    get the answers you want...

    i dont expect to get answers from you nytel. i realize that when there is no response to give, you have no choice but to talk in circles, as all jws do. as far as "name calling", i really dont see it that way. i have not labeled you with all sorts of expletives, i have merely pointed out the obvious.

    it's always the last resort of
    the desperate

    again, i must point out the obvious, but im sure youll take it as "name calling" again (this is due to maturity level no doubt). the last resorts of the ignorant are to change the subject or ignore the questions, which is exactly what youve done in every conflict/argument/discussion ive ever been engaged in with you.


  • nytelecom1

    go pavlov go!!

    i dont expect to get answers from you nytel.

    yet you continue to post to me...and please dont give me the
    "i can only hope that you will"...response

  • dubla
    yet you continue to post to me

    bantering back and forth with you and actually getting answers for valid questions are two different things. i continue to post, yes. showing your ignorance can be amusing, regardless of the answers or lack thereof that you provide.

    and please dont give me the
    "i can only hope that you will"...response

    oh, i dont have to hope. you always reply, and you always make yourself look worse with each one. in this thread alone for instance, youve shown us all the true colors of a "witness", if indeed you still call yourself one.


  • LittleToe

    "Now, now, boys - lets not bicker about who killed who."
    "But he killed my aunty!"

    Looks like this one has gone completely off thread and devolved into petty mud-slinging.

    It hurts when the real truth starts to eat away at the edges of your consciousness, doesn't it. I know - I've been there too.
    It's easy to turn the outrage at your betrayal outwards to those who waken you to the truth.
    One of these days you'll admit to yourself that they've done a great mind-job on you. If you have half a gut you'll come here, cap in hand, and jdubla will probably be one of the first to greet you.

    Meanwhile, let's not add to anyones hurt by making personal references to family, eh? That kind of comment hurts more than just those involved - it's crass.

    Just my 2p,


  • Moxy

    nyt, that was childish and way over-the-line. and yes, i get that you were just trying to demonstrate the pointlessness of personal attacks and the emotional effect that they have on an argument but you chose a really crappy way to make that point.

    i think ive been pretty fair to you. you seem bright enough. why do you try and make enemies so much? im an active witness too. plenty of active witnesses read this board. why do want to antagonize all of us too?


  • Farkel

    : hardly, i wish i could feel sorry about your mom.. but i dont.
    she was good dead or not....

    Sign me up for a free home Bible study. I want to be part of an organization that is known for its tenderness, compassion and love of fellow humans.

    You add a whole new dimension to the term "fruits of the Spirit."


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • nytelecom1

    A dub that isnt "brainwashed"...how is that so?
    A dub that doesnt to to the elders for every answer?
    awww..am i breaking your precious little mold??

    Re-group the troups!!

  • nytelecom1
    It hurts when the real truth starts to eat away at the edges of your consciousness, doesn't it. I know - I've been there too.
    It's easy to turn the outrage at your betrayal outwards to those who waken you to the truth

    and you are talking about??

    if you are referring to jdub, any outrage i feel towards him goes
    back to the nyc events, and his total callousness...and alanf..well
    you just dont go around calling people stupid if they dont see what you want them to see..

    isnt that what many complain the dubs do?

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