Grace you sound very much like my wife Nina. This is her philosophy as well.
Can I ask you something? I know you've had a rough life, and please believe me I know my life could have been much worse (I'm very lucky compared to so many others), so then how did you come to believe in a Higher Power that cares? Because it seems to me, at the end of the day when all is said and done, we just have to make a choice to believe a certain way. And honestly Grace, for me that's just not good enough. I've been fooled once -- twice actually because I foolishly made myself believe my mother and father really did love me but what happened was my fault.
So see, I don't want to get fooled again. You know, once burned twice shy and all that. I understand you my darling... You ask HOW did I come to believe in a Power that cares. If you want the absolute truth.... When my kids & hubby was dying, I felt so alone. frightened -I was still a JW when Frank was dying but did ask JAH to give me the strength to go on,I have Rheamatoid Arthrities - I used to carry my dying husband on my back to the toilet. I had awful pain -but I managed to do it.. I honestly felt HE gave me the strength -my family & friends were amazed at what I did( but I do believe it was from the begging to help from GOD) Then when my son was dying, I needed the strength to do it again, I could hardly walk- yet I was able to take his dog for a walk & help my son... No one could believe it. But the real big time was when I went to PA before Mell died & listened to all the EX Jehovahs Witnesses tell of what their experiences were ,some had the same feelings as me ( as JWS) yet they had now asked Jesus to be in their LIFE!!!I did just that.
When Mell was dying I found that feeling that I had had with Alan, & Frank return in a much stronger way ALL the time. He gave me the strength to do all I had to do. Remembering that I had learned as a JW God said HE didnt come to make it easy...WhO? JESUS was the one who came NOT the god I had trusted in,( in JW) I believe that Satan is the Prince of the earth, I believe he does cause all the rotton things that goes on, I believe GOD is a" Gentleman "He never enters our life unless we invite HIM....He gave us complete freedom. He isnt far off from anyof us, but he wont interfer. But When I asked him ( as a last resort) I found he replied. ... I am alone really, but there are occasions when I truly feel his presence. Many laugh at this !!! But since Oct 20th 1989.(I sound like a nut. ) but before I do things I ask his direction. Just one experience I have to tell you
One of my group called me collect from Toronto, said "Grace my Mother has moved to Waterloo today from Timmons , I have the van full of furniture & it has broken down, I have no money could you go over to their new house & tell them to come & get me "( an hour away from Toronto.) I had known his Mother as a JW I knew she had left the Organization & was married again. -I said "O,K, what is the Street & #.." Oh he didnt know!!! I said "what is her married name? "He didnt know ( they had only been married a short time) I said well how the heck do you expect for me to find them....? ( Also he wanted to call me back in an hour collect -cos he had no money)
He said go to West mount, & there is a St called Princess ...There is 3 big towers on that St...She has moved into a house somewhere in between those big towers...I thought I was stupid to even go & look... But I did.... I sat at the top of a very long ST ,,,, & prayed?
" Jesus if you want me to help this boy! YOU have to lead me to these folks"...
I drove around a bend & I saw a man with his sleeves rolled up looking up the St,, I said "Excuse me do you know if anyone moved into this area today?" He said "Yes I did"I said "would you be Brenda's.husband? " He was>>>>> All in one hour.... Sorry it was a long tale but since I have known JESUS I have a lot of those miracles....Loads & loads!!! That why when Jesus healed folks & said dont tell anyone---- It is because folks wont believe it. Yes HE could have healed my kids & not let them die, That baffles me -but they did suffer from the illnesses ,maybe he believe in euthinasia (sp) because I do now...But how can I believe ???? Because he helps, guides, directs me now.. I know that. If I am delusional ( sp) well I am loving the feeling I am getting of peace that I feel . Yes I would like to kick the bucket but it is because I NOW believe what HE promised. NO PAIN NO SUFFERING Boy I looking forward to that. Sorry darling for the mouthy fingers. but you asked I replied..