I feel like I am growing up. I am acting like a mature human being. I am accepting that I miss him but also that I will try to control my impulses and just be happy when he finds happiness.
Crumpet - do you realise you answered your original question with this statement?!
Something my counsellor has said to me often is that every seperation is like a bereavement and we have to grieve in whatever way we need and for however long it takes. It's said that denial of what has happened is a stage of bereavement/grieving though and I'd venture to say that maybe you're at the stage of leaving the denial and now experiencing the loss (which may involve some anger at feeling 'abandoned').
It won't make you actually feel much better about your situation I know, but I hope it helps you to know you're moving in the right direction
Here's a hug for ya to help you along! (((((((crumpet)))))))