Tear the roof off the motha sucka http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmkoAUs0WKI&mode=related&search=
The sound quality isn't that hot.
by prophecor 39 Replies latest jw friends
Tear the roof off the motha sucka http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmkoAUs0WKI&mode=related&search=
The sound quality isn't that hot.
Aqua Boogie from Imeem no video http://profile.imeem.com/ZmMAKw/music/Gs3-Aj7N/aqua_boogie/
I enjoy a woman's voice, this is one I enjoyed very much in my youth. Olivia.
One female singer whose voice I absolutely fell in love with was k.d. lang.
Which really confuses my XY self. Does this mean I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body?!
I just had to put this on here because it so fitting for the topic.
Helen Reddy - I am Woman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPDcMyPlFvw
A confession of a drunk concert goer! I went to a Cameo concert and I got to meet everybody but Larry Blackmon (I use to know who came and went in that group!). Anyway, I got to chit chatting about how they changed their style from funk to more mainstream pop stuff and I said you changed the way you dress and everything and I was going on and on and dude said "Excuse me!". Oops! It was like I thought I knew them and I had the right to put them in check. Oh lord! Oh how embarrassing! My oldest daughter was with me. She cracks up about it every time I bring it up. She's says "Like they remember you!". Well, it's like I remember it!
I uploaded a Phyllis Hyman song for you Proph. "Living in Confusion" http://strangecreation.imeem.com/music/b5vkBbOO/living_in_confusion/?ct=-tEktA
The only female vocalists that I can ever recall eliciting a moist-eyed response from me are:
-Loreena McKennitt
-Lee Ann Womack
-Natalie Cole
-Patsy Cline
-Sara Brightman
BA- Music lover
More aural sex from my formative years;
Maria Maldaur / Midnight at the Oasis
Ha! This thread so reminds me of this: