by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Nev -

    ))))))))))) Smiley Face ((((((((((


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi all

    emo's back - just needed a break from the board to calm down a bit. Things get too intense here sometimes. Nothing much has happened in my life anyway - 'the same old same old' as we say. Got my shop computer back online and then my home computer crashed so I had no pc at home most of last week - but both are running fine now!

    I went to our town's agricultural show today - but there were no cattle,sheep, pigs or goats because of the latest foot and mouth outbreak, (although it's currently only at the other end of the country) - it was heartbreaking to see the large area of field where they should have been penned Not again, please, I can still smell the funeral pyres from the last outbreak...

    Still there were lots of other thing to see and do there - horses both showing and jumping, and small livestock (chickens, rabbits etc) plus lots of charity stalls and the weather was good too.

    Have a great weekend all

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome back, Emo!

    Part of my despondency of late was due, in part, to what I perceived to be your escape to another planet [one with no rain, perhaps?]. No Emo VIGIL, no Emo JOURNAL, no Emo FRIEND = Sad CoCo, and others also, I would venture to say. I understand your need to get away, as I, too, got away - since this morning!

    A few kind friends on board helped me out and my love and gratitude goes to them. While driving yesterday I saw one dear to me, one who hasn't talked to me in 6 years, and it was rough. I'm OK now.

    Glad your 'puters are on the mend.


    CoCo Encore Content

  • misanthropic

    CoCo - You're an amazing person. One of the kindest, most caring, thoughtful people I've encountered on here and I just want to say I'm glad you're posting here. You've definitely touched my life in many ways ~ you're the best.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Sorry (((CoCo))), I should have PM'd you earlier. If I need to disappear again, I'll warn you :-) I'm glad that others have helped you through the rough patch. It's good to talk - pity your dear one doesn't realise that :-(

    And I agree with misanthropic - you're a truly gentle soul on this board. We need more like you!

    I smile today because I now have two working computers - but no JWD for most of the day, oh the irony!!

    Have a good day all

    emo-tionally at peace once again.

  • nvrgnbk

    Glad to see you back, Sad emo.

    You're one of my favorite Christians. LOL!

    Hope you enjoyed you rest.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Thanks Nvr - you're one of my favourite atheists too!

    Wish there were more of all 'sides' here with your attitude to belief/non-belief in whatever.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    And Bumble Bee promises to return soon, too. I cannot but rejoice!

    I love you all,

    CoCo ReConstituted

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Hello CoCo

    I have missed you all here! I'm home for a day, checking the gardens, doing some domestic things that needed attended to. There is nothing I love better than coming home after an absence and spending time in my garden - checking which flowers are in bloom, what veggies are ripe for the picking (I have some beautiful red peppers ready right now!), what plants need some TLC and what weeds have invaded!! I swear they knew I was away and took over with a vengance! lol

    We've been away up north, spending some time on the beautiful Bruce Peninsula

    One day we went to the Bruce Peninsula National Park and spent the day swimming in Georgan Bay. Crystal clear blue water! Here is a picuture of my neice jumping from the cliffs into the water.

    There is one area called "The Grotto". You can either swim to it, or climb down, there is no easy way to the water here! It's a natural limestone cave, and when you enter it the water is a deep, bright blue. There is an opening into the bay that you can swim through and out the other side. The sun is reflecting back into the cave through the water and is simply breathtaking! I wish the camera was waterproof so I could show you inside, but here is the entrance to the cave.

    This is also of "The Grotto", but just shows the quality and colour of the water better.

    Love to you all,


  • JH

    Nice pictures Bumble Bee

    Your neice is courageous !!!


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