by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hey CoCo - we went past the 10,000 mark!

    Nothing to report today - still chillin' on he herbs lol!

    Busy day tomorrow though - i'm gonna have an early night tonight

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    A Dramatization

    My father was always fair and reasonable about most things, but when it came to "church," he was pretty firm about putting first the things of the LORD. Little brother's committment to a 24-7 work ethic concerned our father. No time for spiritual matters, resulting in, at the very least, spiritual malaise. And the worst - defection, such as mine.

    Dad was understanding about most things. The antithesis of his fellow congregants. Quiet and gentle, but no pushover. Church officials came to the house one day for a "friendly" visit. After a few pleasantries, the tone changed as my name came into the discussion. There was no doubt where the conversation was heading with regard to the prodigal son's defection from "The Way." Dad stood up, walked to the door and opened it. He thanked the flustered elders for their concern but said it was really time for them to leave.

    I learned about this moment of truth much later in an indirect sort of way. Bottom line: Dad's spiritual Father was reasonable and just. Like Father, like son.


  • wings

    This morning I woke up 6am, a usual day. Went into my daughters room to ask her to help me get my mom out of bed. She wasn't there, and as I look out the window,my car is missing.

    There is a history to this that I don't have the stomach to go into, let me just say, I am having severe anxiety. How do I deal with that? I start an ugly thread. Can't talk about it, just wanted to tell someone.

    I feel isolated and scared. Oh, and my back hurts because I did get my mom out of bed.

    Waiting.....all I can do is wait, and try to remember to breath. I'll post later today and let you know what's up.


  • momzcrazy

    This is my first time here. Last week was horrible. It included tears, pain, filling out divorce papers, then agreeing to marriage counseling. Today I go to a therapist for the first time ever. I realized I have been drawing away from my family after my mom's rejection of me. I have childhood issues, JW issues and current family issues that cannot be drowned in whiskey, although I have tried. Pain doesn't go away when you drink, it just goes to sleep. We also have marriage counseling in a couple of weeks.

    I often wondered how long a person can stand feeling raw and exposed. I guess I will find out.


  • Layla33

    It's Monday!

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Hang in there, dear friends!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Still chilling!

    Took Sophie my sick kitty to the vet today - her one tooth has been 'oozing' again so she got an anti-inflammatory jab to settle it back down. Other than that she's doing amazingly well considering the seriousness of her heart problem, she's reached the same age as a healthy cat would - I think even the vet is surprised, we thought we were just buying time with the meds!

    I've been out all evening and returned home to find my other cat sat outside licking his lips and cleaning his face - I suspect that the neighbour's cat is going hungry tonight!

    Off to play TriPeak Solitaire on Pogo now - I'm not going to bed until I finish the challenge lol!

  • cognac

    Dear Diary,

    I'm probably going to be d'f... However, on the good side, hubby has been talking on the phone to Mr. Flipper for about 1/2 hour now... This is shocking to me, but, I'm really, really happy about that...

    ~ Cognac

    PS. Some of my family betrayed me by ratting me out to the cops (elders)... Was mad, but, as I said, hubby's talking to Mr. Flipper, so that brightened things up quite a bit...

  • momzcrazy

    Good morning!

    Went to a therapist last night. She's great! To my husband's shock and dismay she said this place is good for me! And that no one can tell me who to be friends with or where I meet them. So there!

    Sad note, my diabetic cat is sick. I don't think he'll make it, looks like he is in kidney failure. I am waiting for the vets to open to take him in.


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