These past 12 months have been, probably, the most trying of my life. However, I have learned so much about myself and what I hope to receive from others.
Bad things - My sister had disowned me; I lost my best friend in an argument regarding repayment of a loan I had made to him; I had a tenant back out of his lease on my condo and lost 2 months in rental income; My current tenant bounced 2 checks, which threw my bank account into a huge mess; I was in a car accident that resulted in whiplash and I am still battling w/ GEICO to get my medical bills (in excess of $4500) paid; I suffered a miscarriage; I was informed by my company that they are merging and I will be losing my job; I got an IRS audit and discovered that I owed more than $2500 in back taxes and penalties; I got my heart broken and severely isolated myself from friends to try and deal w/ the emotional pain.
Good things I took away from the bad - My feelings are my feelings and they need to be respected. If they aren't, then here is your pink slip, cause you and I are through! Money is the root of all evil, and if Uncle Sam doesn't financially rape you, then other people will, intentional or not.
Year 31 is going to be so much better for me, I just KNOW it! I turn 31 in 8 days, start a new job in 16, and have so much hope for my future. I am going to go back to school and work on my Accounting degree. I am going to get back to the gym and train to complete a century mile bike ride. I am going to forgive people who have hurt me in the past so that I can prevent it from happening in the future.