Am I bored with JWD? Or have I outgrown it?

by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • ozziepost

    G'day Jeff,

    Yep, I know what you mean. When I look at my minimal participation these days compared with a few years ago I can see that things have changed a lot for me. But that's as it should be. We never wanted to stay in ex-Dub mode for too long. We knew we had to move on if we were to at last lead a meaningful life.

    The board has changed too. Back five or six years ago, you felt you knew everybody, but now...well, look how it's grown! So many of our former posting friends are nowhere to be seen, more's the pity, but still the vibrancy is there from those who are part of the continual borg exodus.

    There was a time when I felt compelled to post no matter where in the world I was. I've posted from the jungles of SE Asia and from the wilds of latitude 76 in the Arctic. Nowadays, I tend to take a holiday!!

    But those past days were wonderful times of sharing, encouraging and healing. Now we've made a new life and how wonderful it is! frankly, I'm just too busy to participate any more than I do. Will I continue? Of course! There is an enduring friendship with many which Mrs Ozzie and I treasure. Like you, Jeff, I can say too that we love so many we have grown to know here on JWD. Perhaps it'll become like it is with our relatives - we see them when we can and really enjoy those times. So it is with JWD.

    It's good to see people post who we've missed for a while; I'm thinking of Kent who's started some threads this week. That's great!

    So, dear Jeff, be thankful for where we're at - what a blessing we've received!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • looking_glass

    I totally agree Jeff. I think some of it is personal growth or the weather? maybe a little bit of both. If the goal was to move beyond the religion, then the ability to not feel angry and hurt by it anymore is a huge step. I feel the reason I stick around is to see what is happening w/ the various lawsuit as well as any "new light" that the JWs have cooked up. I like being in the know before many of their own people are.

  • ButtLight

    Hi ya Jeff! If you check out my posting will see that you and I are on the same page! I feel mostly now I come here for the friends I have made......and I dont want to loose contact with them.

    But have kinda lost my interest in posting. I still, like you, open threads and read them. But Im the opposite of you, I like the fluff threads lol. Maybe its because I moved on from most of the JW stuff? I also dont come on the forum on the that gives me a break.

  • Nowman

    There is one thing that I do not get really...why people post to say goodbye, or why they post to speak of "bordom", or their addiction to this site...sorry for my being frank...

    I am addicted to this forum, I do not post as much as others, but I do post. All the topics I post usually do not last very long, but thats OK with me. I comment on the threads that I want to. Sometimes, I just read the active topics and do not comment at all. When I realize I need to take a break, I just do...then I come back. I usually do not view the board on the weekends, which is a break in itself. Being an x-JW is pretty intense, and this board makes things more intense. Its exciting to constantly get reminded about the decision to leave the org 15 years ago, that it was the 100% right one. This is pretty much the reason why I come here, to get that constant confirmation. Yeah, the org still effects me to this day, 15 years later. Coming here is like therapy really.

    There is such a common bond here, its why we come back day in and day out. When you need a break, take it, but come back. I think this forum is needed, as other threads/people mention, they healed alot faster with the support here, it must be good for something.


  • bebu

    I know how you feel, at least a little. There's lots of advice, support, information, stories of encounters, daily living, humor, political, and apologetic threads. But sometimes the thing you want is not in stock.

    Stack the fridge with beer and this site will appear much more interesting to you...

    I agree with this! You have brought your "rambling" thoughts here from time to time, and I enjoy them. I think you ought to pursue this line further. Sorta like Blondie does reviews, and Ozzie did surveys, maybe you can throw out questions or comments from your "rambling" mind, really open-ended stuff, about new perspectives you have now that you've traveled down this road a bit. For the benefit of folks who aren't interested in fighting or proving themselves 'right', but wheo enjoy sharing perspectives.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    See? This is how you guys keep me coming back. Such nice comments. With as many posting similar thinking on this matter, I propose that it must be quite common reaction after time.

    I'm here for the friends more than the topics right now, unlike when I started posting 35 years ago....

    JH - I guess the internet has been around a lot longer in your neck'o'the'woods, than mine. lol

    Stack the fridge with beer and this site will appear much more interesting to you...

    Trevor - with spring springing here - that ain't a bad idea! Care to pop a tab? Come on over.

    Now I will have to check my lists to see if you looked at mine I shall cry if your were not a visitor to it

    Grace - I may not often post on them, but if I see your name I have to take a look at least.

    I know what you mean AK. I've been thinking on that line for a while myself.

    DJK - looks like several are in that 'phase' here, huh?

    Ninja - LOL.

    Now wake up damn it and post something funny on my thread:

    Mary, dear, I shall pop over there in a moment and see what is happening on that thread.

    Beautifully written portrait of your growth, Jeff. I think all of us are striving to get to where you are.

    Thanx, Black Man, but sometimes that is the whole thing isn't it? Trying to figure out just where we are.

    So many newbies posting now. It's like a new "generation" arising to find answers to their long held in questions, validation of their feelings and hopefully solace.

    Peace to you and your family. Juni

    One of the reasons I stick around, Juni. And to catch your postings.

    and thanks for hanging around and posting when you can.


    Same to ya', Purps. BTW, the new avatar is striking!

    So, dear Jeff, be thankful for where we're at - what a blessing we've received!

    Cheers, Ozzie

    That's spot on, my friend.

    I like being in the know before many of their own people are.

    Me too, LG.

    If you check out my posting will see that you and I are on the same page! I feel mostly now I come here for the friends I have made......and I dont want to loose contact with them.

    Like me? I would count that as an honor.

    There is one thing that I do not get really...why people post to say goodbye, or why they post to speak of "bordom", or their addiction to this site...sorry for my being frank...

    Nowman - As to why people post, 'I'm bored' or 'I'm leaving' threads, good question. I suppose it has to do with informing your community online as to your current thinking on the matter. In this case, perhaps it confirmed to others that they were not alone in the way they had grown. ? Never thought of the question before - it just seems normal to tell those one cares about, where he/she is at the moment in thinking, at least to me.

    I agree with this! You have brought your "rambling" thoughts here from time to time, and I enjoy them. I think you ought to pursue this line further. Sorta like Blondie does reviews, and Ozzie did surveys, maybe you can throw out questions or comments from your "rambling" mind, really open-ended stuff, about new perspectives you have now that you've traveled down this road a bit. For the benefit of folks who aren't interested in fighting or proving themselves 'right', but wheo enjoy sharing perspectives.

    Bebu - perhaps this is my nitch? I like to ramble and rambling without making a lot of sense is easy for me, lol.


  • SirNose586

    So take a break, then. Since all my time now is spent working or preparing for bulls**t WT parts, coming here is a nice respite from the same-old, same-old.


    AK-Jeff..If your getting bored with the board(Pun intended..LOL!!).It`s time to take a break from the board..I do it all the time..When you come back,the board is new and fresh again...OUTLAW

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • daniel-p


    I am on the same page. I rarely post any more and usually when I come around I just look at "what's new in the Borg" threads. There was a time when this community was vital to my sanity as an exiting JW but now I think I've gained some solidarity and no longer need the therapy. I've grown - and that's good, I'd rather be here then where I was.


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