See? This is how you guys keep me coming back. Such nice comments. With as many posting similar thinking on this matter, I propose that it must be quite common reaction after time.
I'm here for the friends more than the topics right now, unlike when I started posting 35 years ago....
JH - I guess the internet has been around a lot longer in your neck'o'the'woods, than mine. lol
Stack the fridge with beer and this site will appear much more interesting to you...
Trevor - with spring springing here - that ain't a bad idea! Care to pop a tab? Come on over.
Now I will have to check my lists to see if you looked at mine I shall cry if your were not a visitor to it
Grace - I may not often post on them, but if I see your name I have to take a look at least.
I know what you mean AK. I've been thinking on that line for a while myself.
DJK - looks like several are in that 'phase' here, huh?
Ninja - LOL. Now wake up damn it and post something funny on my thread:
Mary, dear, I shall pop over there in a moment and see what is happening on that thread.
Beautifully written portrait of your growth, Jeff. I think all of us are striving to get to where you are.
Thanx, Black Man, but sometimes that is the whole thing isn't it? Trying to figure out just where we are.
So many newbies posting now. It's like a new "generation" arising to find answers to their long held in questions, validation of their feelings and hopefully solace.
Peace to you and your family. Juni
One of the reasons I stick around, Juni. And to catch your postings.
and thanks for hanging around and posting when you can.
Same to ya', Purps. BTW, the new avatar is striking!
So, dear Jeff, be thankful for where we're at - what a blessing we've received!
Cheers, Ozzie
That's spot on, my friend.
I like being in the know before many of their own people are.
Me too, LG.
If you check out my posting will see that you and I are on the same page! I feel mostly now I come here for the friends I have made......and I dont want to loose contact with them.
Like me? I would count that as an honor.
There is one thing that I do not get really...why people post to say goodbye, or why they post to speak of "bordom", or their addiction to this site...sorry for my being frank...
Nowman - As to why people post, 'I'm bored' or 'I'm leaving' threads, good question. I suppose it has to do with informing your community online as to your current thinking on the matter. In this case, perhaps it confirmed to others that they were not alone in the way they had grown. ? Never thought of the question before - it just seems normal to tell those one cares about, where he/she is at the moment in thinking, at least to me.
I agree with this! You have brought your "rambling" thoughts here from time to time, and I enjoy them. I think you ought to pursue this line further. Sorta like Blondie does reviews, and Ozzie did surveys, maybe you can throw out questions or comments from your "rambling" mind, really open-ended stuff, about new perspectives you have now that you've traveled down this road a bit. For the benefit of folks who aren't interested in fighting or proving themselves 'right', but wheo enjoy sharing perspectives.
Bebu - perhaps this is my nitch? I like to ramble and rambling without making a lot of sense is easy for me, lol.