At what point have you crossed the "cheating" line?

by free2beme 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyrus

    ninja who are you kidding mate?smell the coffee and dont trust her.

  • cyrus
  • juni

    Cyrus that ^ disturbed me. The comment you made at the end of the first page of the thread.


  • cyrus

    Im sorry you lot are very niave or being ex jdubs too trusting. the best alibi someone can have is the old tell them you are going out with an old friend Ihave lots of ex shags i can go back to whenever i feel like it.and i known some for twenty years . DONT LET THEM KID OR DONT BE SO GULLIBLE. I expect it from yanks but not fellow brits

  • juni

    Obviously you have been "burned" by a few women. But not all are like that.


  • cyrus

    what disturbed you exactly. Its a very disturbing subject i know but this is based on 40yrs of experience.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I've heard a lot about "mental cheating" or "emotional cheating" from Oprah-esque types lately, but I don't subscribe to that point of view. Relationships are all about trust, and having faith in your partner's feelings and integrity. I have female friends, and I have hugged them, or even kissed them on the cheek or forehead when they were down. I've also had dinner with female co-workers, I usually will call my wife to see if she's interested in coming with, but if I think she's asleep (I work late nights), I don't. My wife trusts me though, and so isn't bothered by it-helped by the fact that we have complete transparency, I always tell her when something of that sort has happened, so that she hears it from me first, and not from some gossiper who just wants to spread a juicy rumor.

    Sometimes spouses just don't share the same interests; for instance I'm a big sci-fi nut, and I love Star Wars, but my wife doesn't (although she does like Star Trek-go figure). If I had a female friend who shared my interest in Star Wars, I'd think nothing of going to see a new Star Wars movie with her, knowing that my wife would not want to see it. By the same token, my wife likes country music, but I dislike it. If she wanted to go to a country music concert with a male friend, I'd have no problem with it.

    As far as sex goes, in my opinion, ANY sexual gratification between two people where one is married is cheating. Definitely includes oral sex, and also any kind of (intentional) manual stimulation. Which means that for me, going to a strip club to watch is ok, but lap dances are right out. Not that I've gone to strip clubs in...I don't even know how many years, but definitely since before I was married. But if I did go to one, I would have a clear conscience about it.

  • ninja

    cyrus mate ..are you serious?....I trust my wife implicitly...I was joking about the fire station and rugby underwear......she doesn't go to these places....because she's too busy visiting her ex's and helping them out around the house all night after she finishes cleaning at the male strip club down town...lovely caring girl that she is.....muhahahaha

  • dawnl26

    i class cheating as something which is done behind your partners back. For example if your taking a member of the opposite sex out for an innocent dinner why wouldn't you tell your partner about it? a friendly hug I would think is ok. but anything further than that I would feel that to be unacceptable behaviour

  • juni

    Welcome Dawnl to the forum!


    Cyrus, I hope you don't feel all women are like what you have experienced in your 40 years. I feel that perhaps this "issue" w/women goes back to childhood?

    I hope you can come to the point in your life where you can trust.


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