Isn't God Awesome?

by Perry 450 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlanF

    It's interesting that Perry keeps harping on how moral values can appear in human culture without being created by the Christian God, yet refuses to discuss simple questions like, "Where did this God get his morals?"


  • free2beme

    That is because Christians are not suppose to ask those questions, as they are designed to be something they fear, so that their faith does not unravel.

  • Vinny

    I see Perry has taken care of this thread with the boring atheists.

    I was on this one today, so could not join you. Sorry.

    But because the same people are on both, I will post my reply here as well.

    I see Kiddy-A likes to post pictures. How cute. No answers, no substance, is buried in atheists mud, but cute pics from kiddieboy-A.

  • Sirona

    Well, Vinny,

    You've convinced me that certain followers of the bible are nasty, condescending, ill educated t*ats.

    Everyone else, don't lump all believers into the same category.


  • Abaddon

    Sirona, I totally agree.

    Vinny clearly shows him/her self to be vain, arrogant, ignorant, and far removed from any standard of Christian behaviour.

    I find it very encouraging that so-called-Christians, like Perry and Vinny, by their disgusting attitude towards their fellow man, act as a signal example of what to avoid.

    They come here on some ego-boosting ministry, yet by their behaviour actually put people off their faithless, empty, unsupportable belief structures.

    Vinny, Perry, your philosophy tastes of ashes, you are Pharasees, but do keep posting; you serve as a signal example of what to avoid to those who have recently left high-control groups.

  • dedpoet
    ...Only the fool can say there is not creator.

    I must be a fool then!

    Here's what some other fools have done

  • Sirona

    Great video.

    Just remember that not all those who have belief in a god also condemn atheists.

    I don't have a problem with atheists - I respect them just as I respect those who believe in a god. I don't follow the bible though, I suppose thats the deciding factor.


  • Perry

    Well done Vinny!

    The JWD site was down for me all day yesterday for some reason. I see that you easily handled this thread. The amount of foul language, and personal invective hurled against those that happen not to agree with the atheist hedgmony on JWD is telling. Vinny you have shown incredible restraint in spite of the personal attacks, so has Mouthy. Now, why is that? Why the different response to arguments? Atheists seem to really get their feelings hurt so easily.

    Because of this: Theists know, and it is so saddeningly obvious, that the science vs. God illusion that atheists present is just that.... a convenient illusion. The reality is that their war is THEM vs. GOD. We know that as God's representatives that suspension of our "rights" is required, and abuse is guaranteed, even causes joy. The atheist views himself as a globular DNA structure existing alone and without ultimate purpose in the universe. His views (however self-inflating) are all he has, his emptiness a relentless "friend". Atheists are to be loved as the saddest expressions of fallen human nature on our planet. What does this do for them?

    Some of the most vile invective came from atheists in the first few posts on this thread IN RESPONSE TO A PRETTY NATURE SLIDE SHOW!. If a theist had responded that way I doubt other believers would have bothered to comment in favor of a believer's position. That believer would have just been on his own.

    Conversely NOT ONE athiest bothered to denounce the invective; and indeed they seemed rather to be inspired by such language. We can conclude without doubt, that inspite of Vinny's strong logical arguments and my questions of a practical nature that atheists find so personally hurtful, that the strongest argument came from God himself in the slideshow of his artistic handiwork. The anger and vile disgusting language triggered from a nature slide show (without one comment) is the strongest argument on this thread that atheists have a very serious psychological problem that can only be described as a progressive pathology.


    Atheists don't like that God is self-existing ....because they are not.

    Atheists don't like that God is self-knowing ...because they are not.

    Atheists don't like that God is self-good ....because they are not.

    You and I have about as much chance of convincing an atheist through logic that their view is not only illogical, but incredibly damaging to their character, as a "highly educated" evolutionary scientist has of thinking that a stinking, roting dinosaur bone, with its flesh and blood fragments still in it might be worthy of biological investigation.

    My questions have gone largely unanswered. Vinny's troubling questions for atheists have gone totally unanswered. Yet, atheists still want to claim victory. So sad.

    Why would atheists invade en masse such a thread with a cute little nature slideshow only to essentially say, "We don't know how something from nothing works, but we know that it does". Why do they find it so threatening for people to look at nature outside of their thought control? It is precisely because they spend their time looking into an abyss. After a while, the abyss looks back at them, even through them. In the end, the abyss is all they see. Their danger of an eternal destiny there is really just a continuation of where they are now, if they continue their strange idiocracy.

    I personally love atheists and pray for them. Hugs to all.

    I must now turn my attention to ghastly capitalistic pursuits. Yes, in spite of my embarrassing, some would say almost hideous lack of education, I still find time to conduct international business in three countries. It is already past time for one of my daily ozone depleting fine cigar experiences. Yes, a nice medium bodied Tatuaje with a camaroon wrapper. Slow, oily burn with great billowing clowds of sweet aroma. About $12 a stick. I highly recommend them.


  • hillary_step


    I must now turn my attention to ghastly capitalistic pursuits. Yes, in spite of my embarrassing, some would say almost hideous lack of education, I still find time to conduct international business in three countries.

    So did the Reverend Jim Jones.


  • kid-A

    Pope Perry writes: "Atheists are to be loved as the saddest expressions of fallen human nature on our planet. What does this do for them?"

    Darth Perry and his sidekick minnie-vinny embark on their galactic crusade to annihilate the atheist forces! LMAO................


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