Dog fighting: What do you think of it?

by UnConfused 31 Replies latest social current

  • Paralipomenon

    As long as the animals are properly cared for, I have no problem with it. Like it or not, every animal fights, humans included.

    A properly cared for and fed dog is more likely to mount the other canine then fight.

    Take bets on who will be the humper and who will be the humpee IMO

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Disclaimer - I personally don't agree with any cruel 'sports'

    Dog fighting and cock-fighting however - as long as animals of equivalent strength are pitted against each other - is fairer than 40-odd hounds against one fox, deer or otter, or several terriers down a hole against one badger or rabbit.

    Guess which is more acceptable in the UK

  • greendawn

    It's not a civilised sport it is in fact a blood thirsty and diabolical one, if animals fight in the wild that is one thing and if they are set upon each other to fight and get killed or injured for the sadistic entertainment of twisted minds that's something else.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Greendawn, fighting is a part of life. Do you dispute this?

  • greendawn

    Unfortunately fighting is part of life but not of civilised life. As mankind increases in civilisation things improve but are still far from perfect. But why increase the problem by getting two animals to fight that might not otherwise meet and do so?

  • AlmostAtheist

    My first, knee-jerk reaction is be revolted at the thought. It's slavery, forcing a creature to do something that doesn't benefit it, for your own pleasure. Absolutely wrong.

    Then I remember seeing a truck yesterday driving down the highway. It was tractor-trailer, fully stacked with tiny cages into which had been stuffed live chickens. These birds were crammed in, feathers askew, legs sticking out thru the wire. They were on their sides, couldn't move at all. At first, I assumed they were dead, or perhaps not birds at all. But then I saw a few moving, shifting around. It occurred to me that they were probably on their way to become the next chicken sandwich I would buy.

    And after a moment's consideration, I decided that I WOULD be buying that sandwich. Despite the cruel way I think those animals were treated.

    So, I'm still thinking dog fighting (and cock fighting, and anything like it) is not right. I'm even of the opinion that no one should be allowed to do it, thus suggesting that everyone's opinion ought to match my own. (Eek!) But I still have to remember those chickens... and know I don't own the moral high ground.


  • 144001
    You're out of touch with reality. John Doe

    How so, John Doe?

    You may not think that the law is "reality," John Doe, but if I saw you or anyone else engaging in this cowardly practice, I'd be quick to contact law enforcement and report it.

    Given your past exhibition of callousness towards a poster on this forum who started a thread regarding the death of her dog, I'm not surprised that you would condone such a barbaric practice.

    Remember the thread?

    In response to MelbaToast's grief-stricken vent regarding a person who hit her dog with a car and killed it (on the same day she started the thread) without leaving any note, you said:

    You just said you have a chain but did not use it. Get this through your thick head, I'm not talking about the well-being of the dog, although that should concern you. I'm talking about traffic safety. What if the person did try to contact you? What if they actually wrecked and had to be taken to the hospital? You knew your dog was getting out ever day, but I suppose it's everyone else's responsiblity not to use the public roads in front of your house so you can let your dog run loose as you want to? No? The fact is, you knew the measures you were taking to contain your dog weren't adequate--he continued to get loose. If you had a child that repeatedly ran out into the street, would you continue to let him do so? I'll say that you would take the proper measures no matter what those may be. If I were the driver and you acted like this to me, slapping me or whatever, you'd find yourself in small claims court for negligence. So, we have a person here who didn't contact you when YOUR ACTIONS casued them to hit your dog, although we don't know what measures they took, and yet they're assholes. You need to have a discussion with someone about personal responsibility. The dog is dead because YOU DID NOT KEEP IT CONTAINED.. That's the bottom line. I'm sorry that yo lost your dog, but I'm having a tough time feeling sympathy for you when you don't seem to take any responsibility.

    I may be "out of touch with reality," but you are devoid of compassion.

  • Quandry

    I do not choose to derive pleasure from another's pain and suffering, human or animal.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    144,001, animal fighting is not illegal in all areas. This is a global board. I feel compelled to mention that I do not watch dog fighting nor do I have a desire to. That's not at question here and is in fact a red herring. What is at question is personal choice and why or why not people feel the way they do towards dog fighting.

    AlmostAthiest makes a good point. Interesting that you say such enthusiasts are sub human, yet this action is no different than a plethora of actions we do and support every day. The world is a violent place--it ain't Disneyland.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    As mankind increases in civilisation things improve but are still far from perfect.

    The idea of "civilization" is an imperialistic idea promoted and spread by anglo-saxon culture. The argument has been made quite effectively in more places that one that "civilization" is a regression from being ideal, not progression. I propose that a world without death and fighting would be a world none of you would want to live in.

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