Don't get me started on the dynamics of limited supply. We had the same dysfunctional behavior in my (evangelical) church. Twice in twenty years I witnessed a frantic pairing of the available singles, as it became apparent that the top picks had paired up. Imagine how the leftover singles felt! Twice I ended up eyeing the dregs of the barrel, and said under my breath, "No way." The dregs were suitably insulted.
Some of those pairings were a huge disaster. They'd picked from what was "available", not where their heart led them. Their temperaments just didn't match. Talk about unequally yoked! I concluded that a well-yoked couple includes MANY factors, not just religious orientation.
There are other sub-groups that suffer from limited supply. Little people, for instance, may have ttouble finding another "little person" to live with, as I learned from watching "Little People, Big World" from TLC. Just like the JW's the parents are dragging the teenagers to conventions and suchlike to check out the available supply.
So I married a JW instead!