Well I remember when I was 15 this guy who was 24 was after me. I thought he was just a nice guy, I kinda used him as a replacement for my bor who I was really close too and had just da'd himself and been kicked out. Anyhow, the WHOLE cong is discussing me and this guy and I just don't have a clue.
When I finally realised what was going on I freaked out big time and got absolutely no emotional support from my parents. They thought it was completely ok for a 24yr guy to be going out with a 15yr girl. I regret how I responded to the guy, he was genuinely nice and never ever treated me as anything but a friend, and was willing to wait until I was alot older. The whole cong thought I'd led him on, but I was just missing my brother, due to my father molesting me I just wasn't interested in guys in that way.
A few years down the line, I'd come clean about being molested, was very depressed and therefore obviously labelled bad association. I decided to make one last ditch attempt at being happy - figuring I just wasn't doing enough. Did loads of study and prayer and aux pioneered and applied for Bethel too. And was still seen as bad association. A bro I knew as a friend was warned off being a friend by an elder in his cong "due to what happened between her and her father has probably affected her spirituality" wtf? This guy was going out with one of my friends and i dont go around telling every tom dick and harry what went on in my past! I thought my father was in the wrong, not me and what ever happened to confidentiality?
So whichever cong I'd have gone to, this would have just followed me around. I'm glad I realised what was going on. My father protected and me labelled bad. I left.