Weird things relating to females at the KH

by Tatiana 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal

    One of my favorite topics!

    They have MAJOR issues about women. It was my belief that they actively discriminated against women who they thought were "sexy". And, by sexy I don't mean actively trying to be sexy. I mean if the woman has natural attributes like a good figure and/or if she is well endowed in any area, she will be constantly scrutinized. She may even have problems of being excluded from gatherings because she is perceived as "competition". They may try to keep this a secret from her but she will soon catch on.

    It is my belief that the problem is not just with the men but with other women there, particularly if the woman is an elder's wife and is middle aged or older.


  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Nothing pi$$ed me off more than some old man, with no sence of style telling me how to dress. If my skirt is inappropriate then let me wear pants, I told them. Of course that didn't go over very well.

  • rebel8

    "talk was given concerning the black sisters at the hall, who had adopted a fashion 'sin' of wearing cream, or white sheer pantyhose to the hall. This was frowned upon by the elders, and they were asked not to wear these anymore."

    Ha. A bro the same age as me (at the time, about 18) "counseled" me by saying I looked like a harlot because I had *black* hose on. He went to the elders, who brought me to a judicial committee.

    I'm whiter as Caspar the Friendly Ghost; people are blinded when they look at me, heh. Maybe the sin is in trying to look like another race! (Big eye roll, big!)

  • av8orntexas

    I remember a talk 97/98 or so aboutbeing modest and the wearing of braids. Since there weren't many black families in my hall and only two black sisters with braids it was obvious whom was being talked about. Then the talk at a convention around the same time 96-98 about brothers shaving their heads.

    The only left for brothers to do was.......

  • smellsgood

    It's like in Muslim thinking, where the women have to cover up not only to be modest, but to not be "enticing" to horny men. So you're telling me that because men have urges I have to wear a bedspread with eyeholes? No, i'm good. Sort of like, if a woman were to wear something more revealing (like she shows a little wrist) then, if Fahreed starts pawing her, it's cos she asked for it! The tramp!

    It's just legalism and control to the last detail. No cream colored stalkings? What verse could they back that up with? 1 Moron 14:9?

    I tell you, if I ever get around to stepping foot in a Kingdom hall, I'm going to study these rules very thoroughly so I can make sure there isn't one I don't break.:) Oh, and of course I'll surreptitiously wear one of my long coats at first, and then reveal my shirt underneath.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    When I started the fade I wore ALL my skirts above the knee. Dad said something to the effect "Don't you think that is a little short?". I said no and walked off. It felt great!!

    Same here - back in 1912, when I was just a young girl, I used to rebel and wear ALL my skirts just above the ANKLE - what a rebel!

  • delilah

    I remember a friend of mine, was VERY well endowed, and no matter how hard she tried to conceal it, there they were, larger than life. There was a certain elder and PO in the congregation, (and his son), who used to love watching her walk up and down the aisle at the KH with her children....she also had a very nice figure, but she was not flaunting it or anything.

    Every meeting, she would cringe, knowing they were watching her. After being"spoken" to, about the way she dressed so provocatively, more than a few times.....she was in tears and it wasn't long before she and her family moved away.

    My brother caught this same elder, one evening, pulling over to the side of the road, to offer a young teenage girl, a ride....when the elder saw my brother behind him, he took off.....

  • Tatiana

    OMG.... Too funny....

    So you're telling me that because men have urges I have to wear a bedspread with eyeholes?No, i'm good. Sort of like, if a woman were to wear something more revealing (like she shows a little wrist) then, if Fahreed starts pawing her, it's cos she asked for it! The tramp!

    It's just legalism and control to the last detail. No cream colored stalkings? What verse could they back that up with? 1 Moron 14:9? (TOOOOO funny!!!)I tell you, if I ever get around to stepping foot in a Kingdom hall, I'm going to study these rules very thoroughly so I can make sure there isn't one I don't break.:) Oh, and of course I'll surreptitiously wear one of my long coats at first, and then reveal my shirt underneath.

    That is great.....smellsgood.


    delilah, that's scary. Pervs.

    rebel8...I have that same problem. White as a sheet. And I'm going to be destroyed for wearing/loving black tights. .....btw, REALLY enjoyed all your comments on the PBS forum.

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