Why do people hide on this site?

by Adolfius 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings and Welcome, Adolfius!

    It's good to have you on board; I appreciate the manner in which you posed the question - you are merely inquiring into motives you cannot understand. I could have written some of the posts already here. Many of us are in such delicate situations that real emotional and psychological harm could come to LOVED ONES were we to speak out - boy, do we ever want to! I've been there, done that personally, i.e., suffered from shattered faith, and am well into recovery.
    There is a high incidence of mental illness among JWs, either induced by or aided and abetted by the entire complex structure of what makes the WTB&TS what it is. Many friends and family are on the edge already due to this illness and are on meds. Suicide - mentioned earlier - is a very real and frightening fact among those whose life is suddenly ripped away from them. I am here at JWD for myself but, in large part, to learn how to help those who one day will learn the real truth about the lie and need me. I'm already at it.
    By the way, there is a distinction between "brainwashing" and "mind-control." The former, as I understand it, may employ torture to get the victim to renounce God and country, as it were. But he may escape his tormentors and return to normal life and belief. That's pretty simplistic, but it's what I remember from something I read last night. Mind-control, as employed in cults, branches into thought, behavior, emotional and information control. One of many links on the far-reaching effects of mind-control can be found at www.escapefromwatchtower.com/mind.html. Also, www.freeminds.org/psych/BPD.htm is a dandy:

    "It is either the Watchtower's way or no way at all. [...] if we did not live up to what the Watchtower organization set before us to live, then there was no real reason for living anyway because we would only face destruction at Armaggedon close at hand. This is one reason that [some] Jehovah's Witnesses have committed suicide."

    I hope you are well and have a great weekend. I'm sure you'll be getting a lot more replies to your question!


  • Quandry

    I guess I'm quite lucky that I walked away as a teenager, and it's kind of just been accepted as if I was never really "in".

    Well, then, that's it. You've never been pulled into a back room and told that almighty God views you as a worthless piece of filth. You have escaped the unspeakable hurt and humiliation that has been thrust upon many on this forum.

    You've never been looked at by others as a juicy piece of buzzard bait. Completely shunned by those you love.

    I am not df'd, but my daughter was, and treated by a JC at a very tender age (16) as though she was less than worthless in their eyes, accused of fornication for two and one half hours when she did not do this, was df'd with no explanation, and was at a point of suicide for two years.

    My husband and I would not accept this unchristian treatment and so are unofficially shunned. So be it.

    This group presumes to give judgements from God, can manipulate, rip apart families, and reduce human beings to nothing with the piercings of their sharp tongues, and disfellowshipping rulings.

    I cannot sit in the place of others. I would never want them to have the added burden of guilt because they do not feel that they can just come out in the open instead of fading or hiding. I just hope they gain comfort from being here and support in whatever their decision is.

  • greendawn

    For those that don't have a family or just few of their family in the JWs it is easy to leave because they won't lose their entire support network. Otherwise getting shunned by parents or children is not an emotionally easy obstacle to overcome. But some have the courage to do so. Some leave and pretend to go back (reinstated) so as to keep in touch with family members.

    The WTS's policy of shunning is a powerful deterrent that often succeeds in keeping many people in that would otherwise leave.

  • dawg

    JUst got out of the shower, ass is clean!

  • Honesty

    You've never been looked at by others as a juicy piece of buzzard bait. Completely shunned by those you love. Quandry

    It does suck.

    JW friends who I've known for over 30 years that treat me like a venomous insect that deserves to be squashed underfoot.

    Children who can't wait until Jehovah really screws up my day by totally annihilating my apostate a$$

    An ex who knows it is all BS and who would leave herself if she didn't know firsthand that her loving congregation would turn on her like a pack of ravenous wolves.

    The Watchtower has got only one thang right in 130 years.... SHUNNING makes good little slaves even better.

  • mouthy

    JUst got out of the shower, ass is clean! Good boy!!!!

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks for taking care of that mouthy!

    As mouthy,and most other posters have stated:

    Jehovah's Witnesses is a cult. It is a high-control group. It uses fear to control people. Got it?

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    It is "Journey." Progressive. And, other people are involved. I think the ability to "lay low" and express your self: vent, etc. in a place like this is great. Others have mentioned that.

    I went through the "hidden, lay low stage.' It lasted from the time I finished my last conversation with the Elders in MONETT, MO and walked back up my driveway to the door of my house. From that point forward I was ready to, openly, "mix it up" with the Society.

    Vernon Williams

    Monett, MO, USA, Earth

    PS: you guys are great......

  • nvrgnbk

    PS: you guys are great......

    You are too Vernon! Great having you here!

  • BluesBrother
    They don't want the hassle of elders

    Stuff the elders ! it's the wife that I have to think about.....

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