by Mary 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    From a former co-worker of mine that says the following:

    "...[her daughter who is attending University of Toronto] is working on a research paper for her religion course and she has chosen to do it on Jehova (SP?) Witnesses. She is hoping you can hook her up with a couple of links to good meaty info on JWs as well as info on former JWs and their perspectives. If you have a moment and some web sites in mind I know she would really really appreciate it, as would I. Her email is: [XXX]..."

    Hmmmm.......where do I start? (grin)

    Do you think this site would be 'overwhelming' or confusing to someone who's never been a Witness? What I was thinking is that I could send her links on certain subjects. She's interested in getting stories of ex-Witnesses, so if you have a website, or if you have a thread on here or another site about your story, please let me know. She might also be interested in interviewing some ex-Witnesses too. I'll let you know for sure.

    I think I'll send her that link to uTube showing JR Brown lying his face about, just to give her a really good idea about the religion. I'm wondering if Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom might be a bit too much for someone who's never been a Witness......your thoughts on that? Randy Watter's site might be good too....

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to other materials or websites that you would recommend to someone who's never been a Witness?

  • Odrade

    I'd say, keep it simple. She might be interested in the reexamine site, and freeminds, but other than that, it might be good to give her the link to religioustolerance.org. Though some of the articles there have now been rewritten to favor the Scientologists, I believe most of the JW stuff is still pretty neutral. It might also be interesting to point her toward the discussion pages on the Wikipedia articles.

    Unless this is a thesis paper, it's probably just a minor research project and she doesn't need that much information. If she's open to advice, it might be good to suggest she pick a particular controversy and focus on that. News articles are good references in a college paper, Op-Ed pieces usually aren't good references, except where used to illustrate controversy.

  • Crumpet

    The whole site could be a bit much but you could convey any specific questions she has over here and collate our answers. I think your other ideas are sound too.

  • ninja
  • ninja

    or a study on De Cruce Liber Primus and the scholastic dishonesty of the watchtower...surely she knows Latin

  • Paralipomenon

    I'm a fan of "apocalypse delayed" by James Penton

    It starts at the beginning of the witnesses and provides a very balanced history of the movement for better and worse.

  • z

    Hi Mary!

    Do you think this site would be 'overwhelming' or confusing to someone who's never been a Witness?

    As you know I wasn’t JW or going to be one this site is ‘overwhelming’? No

    I learn allot

    Confusing at the beginning could not believed what I was reading but today I’m in the


    BTW I love all your posts read them daily


  • AlphaOmega

    This site - http://www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/ - eased me into the subject (although some of the dates for references need checking AND the photo of the 1914 rapture is clearly untrue, as pointed out by poster here).

    Also, some of the MP3s that are floating around the internet by Bill Cetnar are excellent.


    Scroll down, (excuse the daft videos) and then wait until the big orange download button appears.

  • delilah

    Hmmmm.......where do I start? (grin)

    Go easy on her, Lass....don't give her information overload....I know you're frothing at the bit....but be gentle for now.

  • blondie

    Without sounding like the TMS overseer, I would suggest she select a theme and main points that she can adequately cover in the amount of space she is alloted (or time to present).


    Jehovah's Witnesses: Their place in the Christian community

    Jehovah's Witnesses: Their major doctrines compared to "other" Christian groups

    Jehovah's Witnesses: What you don't hear at the door


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