Jehovah's Witnesses turned Christian....Post Here

by R.F. 103 Replies latest jw experiences

  • greendawn

    The JWs are not Christian despite their claims because they are not part of the vine that is Christ by accepting to enter the New Covenant. The very few that do, do so only superficially they do not seem to understand that their immediate head is the Christ and act just like the Jews refering to jehovah as their direct head. Tellingly to them everything is jehovah centered they never call themselves the church of Christ. Those calling Jesus "Lord" in a real profound way will quickly be expelled even if they are of the so called anointed.

    Whereas the task of a christian organisation is to make people members of the body of Christ (also called the church) the JWs prevent them from doing so.

  • VanillaMocha73

    I turned to a non-denominational Christian church - Allen Creek Community Church ( and now am a member of Church of the Nazarene. I accepted Jesus about a year ago - quite a different experience from the JW "dedication" prayer to an organization....

  • lavendar

    In my humble opinion, I would say the true "test" of any religion, church, organization or person is to ask WHO they believe Jesus is. Jesus is the key. If they do not believe Jesus is God in the Flesh (Col. 2:9); if they do not believe Jesus died to save each one of us personally (John 3:16); if they do not believe Jesus is the only Way to the Father (John 14:6)......then that religion, church, organization or person is not Christian.


  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    I think that a fundamental difficulty that the WTS has, and which no True Christian is permitted to have, is that the concept of the word "Christian" or at least our contemporary understanding of the word, transcends the rigours of denoninationlism. "Christian" and "Denomination" are not necessarily synonymous terms.

    To be a Baptist one needs to be a Christian, but it is equally true that to be a Christian one need not be a Baptist. To be a Christian, either as a formal communicant in a denomination, or as a result of a personal affirmation, one must enter into a mystical union of believers who have expressed the same conviction, all down through the living history of the faith.

    The NT, the basis on which the faith rests, views "Christians" not in terms of a denomination, or an organization, [indeed the NT often portrays the early believers as horribly DISorganized] but as an assembly of "called out" ones, those whom God has called out of the world of sin, and into a condition called ''grace" This assembly of the "elect" is neither geographical nor restricted to any time element. As long as the NT stands, Christians will, as their forebears have done, take that one step forward in a conscious affirmation of their belief in Him who gives substance to their faith.

    Augustine called them a "mixed body" not necessarily made up of the best elements of human society. But it is a holy body, and despite the admixture of those "unholy" elements within it, it must in this time as in times past, affirm its commitment to its Head.

    Despite the varieties of belief that characterize it, the universal Christian Community of believers is bound by four threads.

    1 It is one. Though fragmented by denominations, True Christians are united in confessing ONE Lord, ONE hope, One faith, ONE baptism.

    2 It is holy. This is because it is sanctified by God and indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

    3 It is catholic. Its membership in both space and time has always been universal [catholic means universal] in that its membership extends across the globe in a framework that encompasses peoples of every nation, culture, ethnicity and, yes, denomination.

    4 It is apostolic. The teaching of the apostles, entrenched forever in the words of the NT form the framework of belief, and the authority from which such belief derives. A Christian takes his/her authority from the Word, and bows the knee to no man or collection of men who claim to "speak" for Deity.

    The Christian believes that the Holy Spirit speaks directly to the believer, but the problem, openly acknowledged, is our imperfect hearing. Hence the varieties of Christian belief. These differences are not evidence of disunity, just that Christianity today eschews conformity. Those who compel the expression of unity in terms of conformity are intruding their own postulates onto the universal Christian community. Although Christians dwell in separate tents, they live together.

    In addressing the question of whether the WTS system of belief can be termed "Christian" the answer must revolve around the way they confront the assertion of Acts 15:14. God is calling out a people for His name.

    Whose name? The record of the first Christians found in the book of Acts assigns only one name to these called out ones: CHRISTians [11:26]

    Since the WT leadership, and their several writers who hide behind the subterfuge of anonymity, have themselves declared their allegiance to another name, with only tangential lip service to Christ, and since they have conveyed the idea, through mesmerizing repetition, their divine sanction to modify the meaning of Scripture, and since they have ascribed to themselves the authority resident in the Word, and since they demand unfettered obedience to their will as expressed in their literature, rather than the liberty that belief in Christ brings, I cannot feel it in myself to regard them as belonging to this community we call Christianity.


  • frankiespeakin

    i don't think just because a person is in slavery to a cult like JWs disqualifies him as a christian, did'nt Jesus say "stop judging" I understand that hurt feelings, might make one appose the idea but can't you just veiw them as christians in bondage?

    I don't consider myself a christian or anything with a label, I don't look at the bible as the word of god either but I think that saying "stop judging" has some merit.

  • Shazard

    frankie, that's da problem. Cherry picking. What was context of "do not judge". I can show you the same bible where we are bound to judge and ordered to judge. Non believers like to use this "do not judge" to smoke-cover "allow me to do whatever I want to do, so I will allow you to do whatever you like to do". Or in another words - "leave me alone". THen question arises, should it applie to all cases or I can intervene whenever you are crossing red light and bus is approaching even if you dont know it? Would you like to be judged whenever you do mistake? If no, then so be it, but there are plenty of ppl out there who want to be disciplined if they are putting themselves in danger. And I doubt you follow your own rule when it comes to judging and disciplining your own children.

  • jsssvd8

    I was raised JW but never baptized. I now go to a non denominational church. I feel like the truth has set me free but I still have a hard time getting "unbrainwashed". I just recently dropped the bomb on my father that I dont believe anything they taught me anymore. I told him some things i found out and i am expecting anytime now he will stop talking to me because Im an "apostate". I pray that he will actually consider looking into some of the things I brought up. It weighs very heavy on my heart that I must help him and my family get free also. Pray for him please.

  • Narkissos

    ... turned Christian...?

    What makes this thread interesting to me, in addition to the variety of experiences, is that you could easily tell what general type or "branch" of Christian (in a quasi-denominational sense, although hardly narrowing down to the exact denomination) everyone is, just from the way they use the word "Christian" (referring to either themselves or others).

    To the topic: "Christ" was the name of the path that led me out of JWs, and through a couple of Protestant churches after that, until the path lost its name.

  • R.F.

    I was raised JW but never baptized. I now go to a non denominational church. I feel like the truth has set me free but I still have a hard time getting "unbrainwashed". I just recently dropped the bomb on my father that I dont believe anything they taught me anymore. I told him some things i found out and i am expecting anytime now he will stop talking to me because Im an "apostate". I pray that he will actually consider looking into some of the things I brought up. It weighs very heavy on my heart that I must help him and my family get free also. Pray for him please. I don't know about your dad, but generally JWs shun those that were baptized but decide to disassociate themselves or get disfellowshipped. If someone being DA'd or DF'd is the only thing that would cause your dad to shun someone, you might be safe.

  • NanaR

    My definition of Christian:

    The word Christ means "annointed one". So I would consider one annointed by Holy Spirit to Christ's heavenly kingdom to be a Christian.

    The proof of this annointing is internal, not external -- as even acknowledged by the JWs.

    So I completely understand what LT is saying -- he was Christian as soon as he received his annointing with Holy Spirit (read his profile), even though he was still a JW.

    As for me, I felt the witness of the Holy Spirit on November 1, 2006 -- during my first visit to a Catholic Mass. I intend to be baptized and accepted into the Church next spring.

    But I am already Christian in my heart (where it counts)...

    In response to another poster, not all former JWs head for the "most common" church in their community. There is only one Catholic Church in my town, while there are dozens of Baptist Churches (most common) as well as several of each of the other major Christian denominations and a sprinkling of nondenominational ones.


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