If George Bush, Tony Blair, or any leader were to speak out against Jehovah's Witnesses, it would really make my day.
And yes I wish the newpapers over here would run Danny Haszard stories. American newspapers like to tippy-toe around the JW Cult, at least foreign newspapers expose them for what they really are.
Jehovah's Witnesses turned Christian....Post Here
by R.F. 103 Replies latest jw experiences
You would have been happy in Nazi Germany then. Coming to think on it you need not go back in time. Iran or North Korea should make a happy contemporary abode.
Blah Blah Blah. Our leaders our very much entitled to their opinions, and if they feel that JW's are a destructive cult, then they have my blessing to make that known.
Jehovah's Witnesses werent the only ones persecuted in Nazi Germany, there were Catholics, Protestants, and many other groups too. Hitler was an evil man, period.
The JW Cult is destructive to families, and the world would be a much better place if it was buried in hell, where it belongs!!! -
If world leaders started talking out against the JWs then the latter would see this as fulfillment of prophecy and a (yawn) sign of the end
รค .
I'd like people to be simply more informed about JW practices such as shunning and the confused and lethal blood doctrine. Other than that I think indifference to them counteracts their own sense of self importance and uniqueness.
But "Jehovah's Witnesses" is not an impersonal entity that can be "burnt in hell". It is a group of living people with families and beliefs and emotions and all those things we associate with human living. You simply can't separate one from the other without either dehumanising (claiming you are only talking about structures) or infantilising (claiming individual JWs don't realise what they have got themselves into). You should be careful about this sort of language, because it is a very small step to take it to the next stage. Ideological Nazis had 'nothing against Jews as human beings' per se, just as an economic and racial entity they claimed they posed a problem. But the abstract and the human had their inevitable and horrific meeting in the gas chamber.
Your comments are harmless when spouted by a bitter former member on an obscure website, less so when accepted in common discourse.
I will say what I please, I have that freedom. I didnt say "burned in hell" I said "buried in hell", you of all people should recognize that concept.
I can separate the people from the organization. Some of the people are very good, honest citizens, their organization is a lying racket. -
Most JWs are not part of the New Covenant and the ones that are do not recognize Jesus as their immediate head but rather give that position to jehovah. A big difference from the early church. As for tensions with the non JW world that is something that nowadays is caused by the JWs themselves, in the very tolerant western society no one persecutes them for being JWs to the contrary they have equal rights and are well treated by the courts, the law and the constitution.
I too am a born again Christian... I was a JW for 25 yrs.I was found by the WAY,TRUTH,LIFE giver Jesus Christ after I received the left foot of fellowship after I confessed I did not believe Jesus came invisably in 1914.
All in the JW congregation were told I was an apostate---- as I had to believe that. So they had to hate me.
Jesus said Love thine enemies .......Didnt HE?Anyway Jesus found me at a Convention in Pennsylvania - with a broken heart -after my daughter told me the elders told her she must shun me.She does....!!!!
It was Oct 20th 1989 Christ found me ( strange my husband died Oct 20th 1985)
So I now have a new Husband, Friend, Saviour, Lord, God. >>>>>>Jesus.
I was baptised in the Baptist Church a year later.... I have attended Baptist, United,Lutheran, Salvation Army ,Catholic, Mennonite, Bretheran, Presbyterian,Non Denomination, Unity,,<( another cult)
I do not attend Church now. I break Bread in Pennsylvania at the "Witnesses Now For Jesus "Once a Year. with all the other Ex Jehovahs Witnesses. I continue to speak with my LORD where ever I have the need , bedroom, car, store, etc: He is not partial to where I am.I don't get it? How can you say JWs aren't christian? Is it because they don't have the same doctrine? And who is to jugde anyway? GOD!!!!!!Is the Judge ---He said You must come through the DOOR .....Not over the wall. Jesus is that Door.
Often History (the subject with a capital) is the problem not the answer.
3. From a sociological perspective one could argue Jehovah's Witnesses more closely resemble early Christianity than mainline Christian groups today. They are strict, exist in a high degree of tension with the societies in which they survive, and they maintain an eschatological urgency which mainline Christianity has largely lost.
That possibly suits some segments in the early (say, late 1st century) Christian nebula, yet the very fact that those construed themselves, nolens volens, as part of a wider movement, acknowledging some common identity in spite of conflicts (which did not prevent them to reject other Christians as false Christians), without any central and common authority, somehow invalidates the comparison between JWs and "early Christianity" as a whole. Ironically, what is best compared to "early Christianity" imo is... modern Christianity, including all its denominations, sects and cults (no matter how exclusivist those may be).
I generally agree on the "power" issue, although in Western Europe I don't think the "Christian" label per se (or the lack thereof) has anything to do with legal status and "freedom of worship" anymore. But in other places it may have, and what we write here can be used elsewhere. Otoh, what reinforces the legal status of the WT anywhere also reinforces the inner control on individual members. Nothing is free from consequences and guilt. Not even silence.
"The WTS has consistently tried to distance itself from everything that approximates Christendom and all that "Christians" hold dear. It has an extremely judgemental and exclusionist philosophy that puts it into the category of "fundamentalist" alongside a few other religions."
Whats your point, LT? Who appointed you the judge and jury over the definition of a "christian"....What a profoundly arrogant smugness is revealed in this attitude! And you think I'm being judgemental??? Have you personally interviewed all 6 million JWs and found that each and everyone of them fails your "litmus" test for what defines christianity? Better yet, can you point out where exactly Christ provided clear-cut "guidelines" for determining who is and who is not a "Christian"? Wow.....I'm pretty shocked by your attitude. We've all been screwed by the Watchtower but I'm not so self-righteous as to declare that every single JW fails the definition of being "Christian" based upon my own, self-defined "criteria" for what constitutes a christian denomination.