Jehovah's Witnesses turned Christian....Post Here

by R.F. 103 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kid-A

    "Am I to assume that all posters on this thread are Christians? The heading does say "Jehovah's Witnesses turned Christian....Post Here".

    Kid-A, I didn't know!!! When did you become a Christian? "

    My apologies Mrs. Smith (or is that Mrs. Elderette? ) ....I will be sure to ask your "permission" before I post on another thread! I guess after your 261 post-count, the board admins have declared you the arbitrator of which poster can post where?.......................whatever................

  • mouthy

    Now! now! kid-A..... Keep your cool. We are all friends are we not. If we disagree it is O.K. That is something you cannot do in the WT. Peace my friend ((((HUGS))))


  • Finally-Free

    I'm a worshipper of the great bird god Rocco. I offer him daily sacrifices of pellets, bananas, green beans and tummy rubs. If I please my god he gives me kisses, plucks my nose hairs, and chews off my warts. If I anger him he either bites me or throws his pellets on the floor.

    Why would I ever think of exchanging my belief system for a Christian or non Christian label that, from all appearances, has caused nothing but strife throughout human history?


  • slimboyfat

    Gee Kid-A, I thought it was just me you showed that good time luvin' to. But it seems you are a right regular charmer.


  • free2beme
    I disagree. Just because they call themselves Christian does not make them Christain. Be defenition a Christian is someone who follows Christ. Jehovah's Witnesses follow the GB not Christ. They don't even accept Christ sacrifice. They think that works will get them saved and not the gift of salvation.

    I have to disagree. You are seeing things from a former Witness and not an active Witness. A active Witness feels they follow the teachings of the Christ and thus, they are Christians. Other notable crazy Christians; Jim Jones, David Karesh, etc. Just because a religion is good or bad, does not define them to be Christian. Christianity has done a equal share of evil and good and the ones who consider themselves Christians are a equal share of ones you would consider Christians by definition and ones who just think they are by their leader. In the end, they are Christians and I never buy in to thinking they are not.

  • freedom96

    I am a Christian and enjoy a local non denominational church from time to time.

  • ringo5
  • free2beme

    What does it take to be a real Christian then. Do you need to conquer nations in the name of Christ, do you need to ignore the violence of the Nazi party, do you need to kill in the name of Christ? Apparently that is okay, as with Catholics, but get a bunch of former Witnesses together and you can not swallow calling the Witnesses Christians, when they are?

  • JamesThomas

    In my opinion, this thread supports the existence of the harmful divisive nature of today's Christianity.

    As a Christian we generally chisel in our mind an image of "God" which is a definable person or thing distinguishable from all the rest of the universe. The consequence of this being very fixed boundaries as to how to correctly appease my little god, and so then be privy to his tiny circle of "true" friends and worshippers. For me to believe myself "saved" and deserving in the eyes of my deity, there must be those who are undeserving and so damned. This delusional and alienating mindset creates a huge bloody rift between us special chosen ones, and all those lesser ones who deserve some form of punishment or even death.

    It is strongly held beliefs like these which -- in our minds -- isolate and separate "me" from all others and the rest of the universe. This blinds us to our true relationship with all existence and opens the way for all suffering and inhumanity towards others and the planet. Generally speaking, Christianity -- as it is practised today -- supports and reinforces this destructive sense of division and detachment. Christianity is not at all about what unites us all, but rather about a very selfish personal salvation which separates me from you. This is perhaps the very opposite of what Jesus attempted to teach.

    I could be wrong, but I walk away from reading threads like this one with the feeling that if it were not for the evolved zeitgeist of this time period, many Christians would be gathering into warring tribes; and the blood would be flowing freely.


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    My apologies Mrs. Smith (or is that Mrs. Elderette? ) ....I will be sure to ask your "permission" before I post on another thread! I guess after your 261 post-count, the board admins have declared you the arbitrator of which poster can post where?.......................whatever................

    Oh gee, thanks Kid A, apologies accepted. I'm very sorry you that you did not see my comment as the tongue in cheek humour it was intended as. I also must apologize for not realising that the amount of post you have under your name makes a difference as to how you address posters with a higher number than yourself. Should I address you as Sir Kid A?

    My point was that the thread was addressed to Christains and I have no idea why non Christains would want to post here at all. If someone statrted a thread called "Athiests tell me what lead you into unbelief" I would no post there cause it would not concern me. I may read it out of interest, but would not post out of respect for other people's right to have their own opinion. Maybe RF wanted to see how many ex JW turn to Christianity. If you didn't that's fine but why post on a thread that is not meant for you. It's disrepectful.


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