In my opinion, this thread supports the existence of the harmful divisive nature of today's Christianity.
As a Christian we generally chisel in our mind an image of "God" which is a definable person or thing distinguishable from all the rest of the universe. The consequence of this being very fixed boundaries as to how to correctly appease my little god, and so then be privy to his tiny circle of "true" friends and worshippers. For me to believe myself "saved" and deserving in the eyes of my deity, there must be those who are undeserving and so damned. This delusional and alienating mindset creates a huge bloody rift between us special chosen ones, and all those lesser ones who deserve some form of punishment or even death.
It is strongly held beliefs like these which -- in our minds -- isolate and separate "me" from all others and the rest of the universe. This blinds us to our true relationship with all existence and opens the way for all suffering and inhumanity towards others and the planet. Generally speaking, Christianity -- as it is practised today -- supports and reinforces this destructive sense of division and detachment. Christianity is not at all about what unites us all, but rather about a very selfish personal salvation which separates me from you. This is perhaps the very opposite of what Jesus attempted to teach.
I could be wrong, but I walk away from reading threads like this one with the feeling that if it were not for the evolved zeitgeist of this time period, many Christians would be gathering into warring tribes; and the blood would be flowing freely.