There's a tape circulating around the Witnesses stating that when the separation of the sheep and goats happens, Witnesses shouldn't think that they will automatically be saved just because they're Witnesses. If they aren't wholesouled, then they should not expect that having one foot in the "Truth" and the other in the world will let them make it through the Great Tribulation....Herd was trying to motivate the troops!
GB MEMBER Herd Says Just Because You're A JW It Doesn't Mean Anything!
by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends
Makes you wonder who will be "saved"?
I remember the same speech from others in the 60's.......nothing new here.
Jim Jones had a term for this tactic....."White Night." Fear and disorientation.
My God! The Witnesses are so cultic.
What's new they've been saying that forever!!!
Makes you wonder why most JW's even bother?
That's nothing new, this kind of approach has always been fundamental to the GB as a means to put pressure on the R&F their guiding line is "never say enough done", in line with the strategies used by other large commercial organisations. The employees must never get the impression that they have satisfied their task masters.
Interesting piece of industrial psychology.
A circuit overseer told our body of elders that only about 1/3 of the members of any congregation were "doing all the work" and were "serious about the Truth." That squared with what the numbers showed (which is how they measure "spirituality"). Most elders have heard this analysis from somewhere. It is a fairly universal thought among elders that only 30% or so of the congregation will actually survive Armageddon. In recent years, expectations have been lowered to about 20%. This is another reason JWs are so judgmental. They are taught to be suspicious of the majority of their brothers and sisters.
Herd was trying to motivate the troops!
He gave a talk at one of my C.A.'s.
He related an experience about some committee or something, trying to properly apply a scripture to an article, and the oldest brother on that committee fell asleep, and the rest spent an hour or two trying to apply the scripture, and finally the sleeping brother woke up and told them how to apply it, and how Jehovah used an old sleeping brother to set the matter straight or some such nonsense.
When he finished, I thought "If it takes these brothers a couple of hours to apply a simple scripture that they have been applying for years, how can they claim to be Bible teachers? They sound like students".
drew sagan
I'd sure like to get a copy of that.
I personally remember an arrogant D.O. coming to our hall because we had the job of hosting him as the guest congregation. At one point in one of his talks he made this face like he was disgusted and said something to the effect of 'Jehovah's Witnesses don't teach that we are saved by works'.
How somebody could be at the point where they are basically mocking a position that is at the core of their belief system says volumes. I was so irritated by that guy.