I'm studying with a Jehovah's Witness and it makes quite a bit of sense but i've been reading many topics on here and it seems that I can find every Christian denomination and every religion except Jehovahs Witnesses. Do any JW's actually browse here? Maybe i'm just getting unlucky and picking the wrong topics where everyones discussing about how they used to be JW's. Perhaps I was misled to an ex-JW forum in which case i'll turn around and head the other way.
After reading many topics.. I'm confused. Is this a JW forum or an ANTI-JW?
by MichaelM 105 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, I'm married to a JW but I'm not. I imagine you haven't gotten to the part of your study where the leader advises you to avoid the internet. Discussion boards for JW's is strongly discouraged. We get a few active JW's here, but like you say, they are rare.
The only approved site for the Witnesses, I am afraid, is www.watchtower.org There is no discussion option on that site.
Hi Michael. Yes, there are a range of very diverse opinions here. A number are current Witnesses and even elders.
But a large number here have been very hurt by The Watchtower and many un-Christian policies. So you will find a lot of anti- Witness sentiment.
But please do spend a little more time reading here.
It MAY be the LAST CHANCE you get.
Pete -
Well first he told me to avoid Internet stuff, but we sit back sometimes and view websites together and he usually has answers to every anti-JW topic and whatnot. He has said to just go to the Watchtower but I want a forum I can chat with other JW's.. I'm a social person but its hard to get out sometimes on a tight schedule.
Run...RUN...Run like a rabbit,while you still can!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael, may I ask you what got you interested in the JWs in the first place?
Yeah, I am interested, too. What is the Witness doctrine that you find most appealing?
I hope you hang around and learn something. If you prefer to have your thinking shaped by others to conform in a very specific way then stick to the JWs. If you prefer to think for yourself keep coming here. Without knowing it you are being groomed to ignore other ideas at the expense of your own conscience. Which do you prefer?
A recent Watchtower made it very clear that the Governing Body disapproves of anyone setting up a JW chat site.
The concern was that people may be tempted to discuss Theocratic things a bit too deeply and draw 'wrong' conclusions. -
Try the web site 6 screens of the WT if you want a true rundown of the JW faith. I was one for 28 years, and they have a lot to hide my brother... keep your mind open and study everything includintg the Witneses. The truth will come out if you follow this method; do it before you committ to anything.