The Underbelly is exposed...........

by AK - Jeff 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwr

    You're quite the Zealot Danny.

  • whyizit

    Hello, Jeff!

    As an outsider, looking in, I would have to say that educating people who are NOT involved with the WTS is a must. Many people assume they are just another branch of Christianity. Many others believe they are a cult, but don't really know the specifics as to why they are called a cult.

    On my end, I am trying to put together a cult awareness program that doesn't mention specific group names, but that gives good questions to ask before joining ANY group. Maybe then they will see the red flags...

    "You may be getting recruited into a mind control cult, if...." : Perhaps then, lonely people looking for a new church, etc... will see the warning signs BEFORE they become indoctrinated.

    Mind control groups are very sly, but if we can educate people about their tactics, then maybe they will recognize the methods, and perhaps their questions will make them think about their own involvement along the way.

    You have been there with and for me in my attempt to reach my friend. You see how frustrating it can be, yet knowing in advance not to expect too much too soon, and keeping the relationship pleasant first and foremost has kept the doors open. When you helped me to show her that she really didn't know much about the history of her OWN WTS religion, that made some big waves!

    Then, in her attempt to educate me on WTS history, she got a bit of an education herself, didn't she? ;0)

    That was the most effective conversation I ever had with her. And, as you know, she didn't know (nor did her guru's know) how to answer any of it! Her silence spoke volumes. The true beauty of it all, is that not only was she finding out about the cover-ups and mistakes, so were her JW leaders. You never know how many people will be released from mental bondage, if you can tactfully and kindly ask just one person the right questions.

    Preparing others and arming them with the right questions (with the right attitude) at their doors, could make a huge impact. Most of those who are willing to find out more, are going to be those who know someone who is in the WTS. I think MANY people are in those shoes. They just need to learn how to ask effective questions, rather than attack the belief.

  • hubert

    Danny says, "A tiger can take down an elephant, if it bites it once a day." keep bitting, danny !!!! Hubert

  • carla

    I deliver antiwitness literature when the mood strikes me. I also leave anti lit nearly every time I go out, ladies rooms, etc.... I discuss when appropriate with friends, neighbors, & family. Visited a few ministers asking them to please educate their congs. I write to letter campaigns I see here or to my local paper to get them to run an AP article about jw's, no luck yet. As a non/ never been jw I think it is important to inform people before they meet up with jw's. I also tell my college age relatives about the danger of cults and they of course have seen a profound change in their uncle and in turn spread the word. Word of mouth is a valuable tool. Because the stories here are often nearly unbelievable (shunning, abuses, rules, etc..) to non jw's you can be sure they are repeated by those I have told.

  • R.F.

    I deliver antiwitness literature when the mood strikes me. I also leave anti lit nearly every time I go out, ladies rooms, etc.... I discuss when appropriate with friends, neighbors, & family. Visited a few ministers asking them to please educate their congs. I write to letter campaigns I see here or to my local paper to get them to run an AP article about jw's, no luck yet. As a non/ never been jw I think it is important to inform people before they meet up with jw's. I also tell my college age relatives about the danger of cults and they of course have seen a profound change in their uncle and in turn spread the word. Word of mouth is a valuable tool. Because the stories here are often nearly unbelievable (shunning, abuses, rules, etc..) to non jw's you can be sure they are repeated by those I have told. Word of mouth most certainly is a powerful tool. Anything written in papers against JWs is just another "sign" that JWs are "God's people".

  • jaguarbass

    The attitude of helping people and fixing things that arent broken is probably what exposed a lot of us to the witnoids, I've learned my lesson. No one rescued me from the watertower. When the student is ready the teacher appers. Now if you see your self as the teacher...

  • greendawn

    True they are hard to get to because the GB manipulated them into shutting the doors to all ex members by demonising them as the worst, most despicable and dangerous sort of people in the entire world. Because they know that if the JWs would freely contact ex JWs it will not be long before they realise the deception practised on them by the leaders and leave in disgust.

  • dawg

    Danny Haszard kicks ass! Kick that ass Danny!

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    We do have a class at church each week on various cults including, of course, the JW Org. I would like to see an extension of this. One gentlemen, an x-witness, at the church I attend agreed to get together with me. Maybe we could work on something together.

    I did start a brochure a few years ago but got sidetracked with work and family and other projects. I think it’s a great idea to place literature where ever you can, grocery store bulletin boards, windshield wipers, libraries, laundromats

    Could we collectively, to those who are interested, start a brochure on the really important things, such as the recent sexual abuse settlement, UN..........where do we start? I have really considered putting the sexual abuse literature on car windshield wipers. Maybe when everyone in the Cong was inside I would quietly sneak into the parking and place them. Could I be charged with trespassing?

    I don't think most JW's can be reached but we could forewarn those who are considering this Org.

  • ex-nj-jw

    The only persons I've ever tried to "talk to" are my friend from childhood, we recently started talking after years..... of not even knowing where the other was even living and my brother.

    I never seem to be able to make any headway, I'm not real literate with the bible (never really paid much attention) so It's hard to have a come back for their company answers!!!

    Maybe this thread will give me some help!!!! I would love to save as many people as I possible can!!


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