So tell me smellsgood. Will Jesus destroy the Jehovah's Witnesses when he knows they worship him the way they do because they THINK they are doing it right? Will he kill all who are misled? Even the Muslims? They think your the one who's gonna die ya know....and they believe as strongly as you do? Your not gonna tell me your not the judge are ya now cuz I'm almost positive you believe the witnesses are goin down....regardless of how sincere they are.
smellsgood: Gumby, I've never claimed to be a Christian, nor am I an active practitioner. What I do understand is the message of the Watchtower, as well as I am able, and the message of Christianity, as well as I am able. Just like I can intellectually distinguish the difference between say, a tree and a Polar bear, so I believe I can INTELLECTUALLY distinguish the differing messages in Watchtower and Christian theology. It is a scholarly pursuit, which leads to your next question. I never said I was a believer. I am using the New Testament and the Watchtowers words because I as an observer and apart from these two can very clearly see the differences. :)
Btw.....what's in this for you? Are you preaching to us so as to gain the Lords approval?
smellsgood: I was afraid it may appear as if I was preaching, although that wasn't my intent whatsoever. The purpose of me using the Christian words and Jesus words were merely the best way I could think of to show what I believe is a marked difference. I don't claim any religion, and am not preaching, or trying to win anybody over to ANY religion. I am identifying distinguishing characteristics of Christianity, and the Watchtower. You see, when I started out learning about the WT, I also read books that juxtaposed this right next to other cults in the vein of Christianity. In order to understand the way these cults worked, and how they distinguished from "traditional" orthodox if you will, Christianity, I had need of having a good idea of what traditional Christianity taught. To contrast and compare. This is one of the ways that cults always contrast and compare with Christianity.
If you keep silent, will the Lord kill you for keeping quiet? He can't do that, your saved by grace and not by works......can he?
smellsgood: This doesn't apply because I'm not preaching Christianity, nor is it my intent, I am contrasting and comparing the Christ in Christianity with the unsaving (this word is necessary not as my belief, but for comparisons sake) Christ in WTism.
Hey, if I smoke weed....will the Lord kill me when he comes? What if I live with a girl I'm not married to but I believe in Jesus and love him? What if I get drunk like twice a month....but I love Jesus?
smellsgood: ummmm. eh? *shrugs*
Please understand it is necessary to use biblical language in reference to Jesus, in order to show what the NT teaches, what a nominal Christian believes. That's what I was doing.
Gumby.....who needs to just be calm and take his prozac and to quit playin around
smellsgood: I like it when you play around though :)