The bible says that true religion is one that takes care of the widows and orphans. Jehovah's Witnesses are probably the only religion I know of that dont give anything back to the community in the form a charity, no soup kitchens, no homeless shelters, nothing,nada,zip
Why the Watchtower is NOT Christian
by smellsgood 49 Replies latest jw experiences
howdy! Too true, the much maligned church of the WT, the Catholic church, has all sorts of outreaches and programs. I don't think there is any "formula" for a true "religion" so to speak. I think there is alot of negative connotation with "religion" the way, if you are of the charitable minded Junction-Guy, would you mind checking out my pathetic plea about WATER on the Friends section. It didn't take off so well, maybe you would be interested in donating a fiver to the Oxfam or something! -
I have been saying for a long time that the Watchtower organization is basically a hybrid religion of first-century Judaism, and multi-level marketing - a Pharisaical AMWAY; if you will.
smellsgood: That's a great way to put it. The multi-level marketing is spot on. That's all it is. I always and forever am seeing JW's refer to the preaching work as "proof" that they are the "truth." Only ones following Jesus' commission so they say...(Of course, Jesus' commission seemed to include "baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" do they do THAT?)
but, it's like any business or company out their with a product to sell. If a person's salary and income depended on selling as many socks as possible for instance, that's what would be their incentive to sell as many socks as possible. The whole marketing incentive for selling the WT is not a salary and income, but everlasting life on paradise earth. Get out there and preach, or be bird food in the day of Armageddon. That's incentive. -
of course the WTS is ***Christian***....
"christians" shouldn't be so offended by that when they should be striving to be Christ, not just "Christian".
christians saying that other christians are not really christian, is so typically christian. thanks alot Irenaeus!
Everybody got to put a label on things, "they are real christians", "these are false christians", "they don't believe this way so they can't be chrisitians even if they say they are", "you can't be a chrisitian unless you follow this doctrine" etc.... Looks like we haven't learned much since we left the JWs. about religion or the bible.
Why would a God who is suppose to be the creator of everything even care what you believe, or reward you with everlasting life because you have a better or more accurate understanding. If he is omniscient and knows everything, has no flaws, is perfect in everyway, seems to me he would not be too concerned about how much or how correct we humans understand things so as to punish us with death for lacking a correct understanding or rewarding us with life for a better understanding.
Just like we don't get mad at ants because they don't recognize us humans. or understand or listen to us but do what is thier natural instinct make them do, why would a God who is infinately stronger and smarter than humans get mad at us when we follow our natural instincts or inclinations? It don't make sense if you really think about it, so why make such a big deal about some doctrine that must be beleived in order to be a christian?
of course the WTS is ***Christian***....
"christians" shouldn't be so offended by that when they should be striving to be Christ, not just "Christian".
christians saying that other christians are not really christian, is so typically christian. thanks alot Irenaeus!
Let's look at things objectively, I understand the point of Christianity, and the Watchtower is Anti-Christ to use that term in a non-religious way, in the way they take his place. So please, back up what you say. That is your opinion, now the evidence if you don't mind.
If I called myself a environmentalist, and others observed me dumping my shit in the river, would there be perhaps an objective criteria for what an "environmentalist" ought to do, wherein I could be observed dumping my shit and my claims be challenged? -
Smellsgood for debate's sake, I still think JWs are christian cos they believe in all those verses you have mentioned and use them all the time, they just have a different way of interpreting them.
Why would a God who is suppose to be the creator of everything even care what you believe, or reward you with everlasting life because you have a better or more accurate understanding. If he is omniscient and knows everything, has no flaws, is perfect in everyway, seems to me he would not be too concerned about how much or how correct we humans understand things so as to punish us with death for lacking a correct understanding or rewarding us with life for a better understanding.
Just like we don't get mad at ants because they don't recognize us humans. or understand or listen to us but do what is thier natural instinct make them do, why would a God who is infinately stronger and smarter than humans get mad at us when we follow our natural instincts or inclinations? It don't make sense if you really think about it, so why make such a big deal about some doctrine that must be beleived in order to be a christian?
I am merely defining Christianity, and in that definition lies the evidence that regardless of what God will or will not do, what will happen to various believers, that the Watchtower organization cannot be considered Christian, based on the fact they take the place of Christ. Would you say having been a Jehovah's Witness that you would have understood your saviour, as is the point of Christianity, to be more in Christ, or more in the fact that you were a part of their organization? What does the WT organization teach? It's not about doctrine and who's right and wrong. It's merely about defining Christianity and seeing if whether or not the WT falls withing the most pivotal point. And it doesn't. -
Smellsgood for debate's sake, I still think JWs are christian cos they believe in all those verses you have mentioned and use them all the time, they just have a different way of interpreting them.
smellsgood: good, I thought there would be some debate, and for debates sake bernadette
Does the WT teach that Jesus is the mediator for all mankind? Do the Christian gospels?
Does the WT teach that you need to be a member of their organization to survive the tribulation and be a part of the afterlife? Do the Christian gospels?
Does the WT teach that there are OTHER requirements for "salvation" than believing on Christ and him crucified? Do the Christian gospels?
I quoted Galatians 1:4,,,do you think that Pauls telling the earliest members of Christianity that "if though we or an angel from heaven should come to you proclaiming a different gospel, let him be accursed" you think that the WT gospel differs from the Christian gospel? Why or why not?
Can you define the Christian gospel for me, what is the "good news" of the gospel, using the New testament? Is the WT adding to it? Do they preach the "good news" of the Christian gospel like Paul and Peter?
How does Jesus address "legalism" in his day? Do you think that the WT religion is legalistic?
Is Jesus sacrifice applied to all JW's? Or is it taught to be for the 144k?
If Jesus did sacrifice his life, and he is the saviour, then what if I were to tell you that I believed that, but you had to believe in ME to be "saved" ....if the apostles were around what would they say? -
Does the WT teach that Jesus is the mediator for all mankind? Do the Christian gospels?
Going to be different and say Yes. But they believe that Jesus is mediator by extension.
A JW confronted by that question as an individual and asking himself that Q would think "Well I know that I pray in Jesus name, I exercise faith in his sacrifce, I think about him as a model for myself and try to follow in his footsteps".
We could see the WTS as considering the Q simply as a matter of words and definitions and may console themselves with the idea that they are in fact teaching individual JWs to excerise faith in Jesus as mediator by extension.