That's my suggestion. I wouldn't trust most anybody.
If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To
by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends
I agree. I trusted only one close friend of mine and he and I are on the same page. He is now inactive and doing the slow fade. He knew that the Elders were after my son and trying in turn to give me the axe. When they axed my son, after saying we won't do that, I stepped down knowing that they were going to say that I should do it because of my son. I did not trust the Elders and it proved to be right.
So, yes! I can speak from personal experience when you say be careful who you confide in.
I know many dishonest elders that I have caught in lies. Theoctratic strategy, the end justifies the means attitude exists.
I made this thread due to Drew's situation. I know we are all hopeful that elders will be fair----especially judicial committees. But elders will do as they are taught to do. One cannot serve on a JC and be a maverick regarding the Organization and its beliefs on how to determine repentance. I've seen well meaning elders get shot down because they wanted leniency and it didn't happen.
Sadly minimus - do you remember a poster called Caspian - like an idiot, I confided far too much information to him. So i 100% agree with you
Stilla, I was one of the first ones to call into question Caspian . Never trusted him.
Very sage advice. I confided in a MS that I grew up with (and went to college with coincidentally enough), after my father was disfellowshipped and my family practically fell apart overnight because of it. He was oh so very sympathetic...helped answer my questions and was comforting. He turns around and tells everyone that I'm an apostate, so I was shunned from the congregation I had just moved to get away from being shunned cause of my father's dfing.
I was sooooo angry! I'm glad that I had problems with repressed emotions back then cause if the same thing had happened to me today? I would have gladly handed over my black belt to my sensei for the opportunity to beat the snot out of him while he was at the podium unaware ;)
You can't trust even the sympathetic looking ones, sadly. (I wish you coulda beaten this guy good).
Be careful with online profiles as well and who has access to them. I know a lot of people who have gotten stung with myspace, facebook, msn profiles, etc. You might forget that sister from 3 years ago you have on your buddy list and who knows who she might tell.
Open mind
It's not paranoia when they really are all out to get you.
Open Mind