Yeah, they were commanded to gather the lost sheep of Israel, but the entire nation rejected Jesus as the messiah. Remember when Jesus spoke to the samaritan woman and explained to her that Jehovah is looking for those who will worship him with spirit and truth. He stated that neither in Jerusalem nor on that mountain will true followers practice true worship. So Jehovah is looking for spiritual Jews to offer sacrifices of praise, not just physical Jews. They all have to conform to the christian way of life. Also those of the anointed fold are virgin's, not literal virgin's, but spiritual virgin's. The anointed is comprised of men and woman. It does not matter what they are now because when they are transformed into their new spirit bodies their will be no such thing as male and female. They will all be spirit beings just like their a master Jesus Christ.
Surely the entire nation DIDN'T reject Jesus - The disciples didn't reject him, sure, they wobbled at his crucifixion, but that was sorted after the resurection.
If they are "Spiritual Jews", then surely the number must also not be literal. It is illogical to keep the number but spiritualise those contained within it. If they are "Spiritual Jews", why are they called from the 12 tribes as quoted in my post above? What would be the point of itemising all the tribes? "Spiritual virgins" - what does that mean? Never been in contact with the spirit ? Never lied (as would be implied by no guile in the mouths). If that was true and the 144,000 were never supposed to have uttered an untruth, then how can they be JWs who have uttered many things that weren't true, or "didn't come to pass" ? AO