Help! Calling all Ex-Elders for advice on Appeal Commitee Situation

by flipper 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Snakes, Wilyloman, On the Way Out, and all of you thanks so much for your help. I will tread carefully at the "encouragement" meeting and answer as Snakes suggested. Also if they ask about the preformed letter I got Wilyloman, I will tell them I got it from an attorney who has dealt with these cases before. Thanks all, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • JWdaughter

    I am confused. . .are you DF'd for marrying w/o 'scriptural' justification in the first place? Because DFing you on the basis of ONE persons CIRCUMSTANTIAL testimony doesn't even seem in keeping with stated WT justifications for their warped little ways. If your daughter had claimed you abused her they couldn't do anything about it without 2 witnesses!! I thought.

    sorry they are being buttheads, but it kind of goes with the 'territory'.


  • minimus

    Hey, I have a question. If you don't go to the "encouragement meeting", then what? If the decision is to not df, then screw them. Why go? To slip up somehow? I wouldn't go!

  • moshe

    Man, am I glad I never had to mess with that JC appeal stuff.When I was done I was done. I agree, they are just wanting to entrap you with a series of planned questions.

  • flipper

    JW Daughter- Thanks. No, I had scriptural freedom to marry Mrs. Flipper since 2003. The marriage was legal in men's eyes and the "jw God's eyes" . No problem there. Minimus- Don't worry. I will be smart. I wasn't born yesterday. I guess I just want to see if what they are telling me on the phone is the truth, that I'm really not dfed. I'll hold them to that. Want to see them say it. I guess I doubt them so much, I won't believe it till I see the whites of their eyes saying it. Also, to keep a good relationship with 80 something parents, if it comes up,I want them to know the elders told me this face to face. I won't slip up! Don't worry I'll be careful! I know how to handle them. I've made it this far, haven't I?? That shocked the hell out of most of you, myself included. Moshe- They will not trap me. Snakes, Wilyloman, On the Way Out, and others have prepared me with what to say. I won't veer from that format. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sinis

    If they question why you sent the letter I would explain to them that you were so frustrated, that no one was listening to you that you wigged out. Tell them that you were cut to the HEART that no one would hear your pleas, and that it was obvious that your ex lied. Tell them you prayed constantly about it and you believe that the Holy Spirit directed them to do the right thing. However, I WOULD PURSUE YOUR EX!!! Tell the brothers, "How can I come back with any face and credibility when my ex has slandered my GOOD name?" (Have your head down when you do this). Then say that you hope the congregational Holy Spirit will not be affected by such callous deeds. I WOULD RUB THE SALT IN YOUR EX'S EYES LIKE NO TOMORROW. Most people do not learn and your ex may continue to pursue you out of jealousy. I would insure that that does not happen - and put her in her place. That way if she tries that shit again in the future you just call of the PO and say why is she being a busy body and not minding her own business?

  • flipper

    Sinis- Thanks so much. My 22 year old son gave me similar counsel. He's tired of his mom having this overdeveloped year in, year out vengeance thing going too.He said to also mention to the elders that my good name was defamed to the family by her meddling and that she should be disciplined for gossip and slander. I'll hold my head down too, like you say. By the way, good news. My mom and dad are coming to visit the wife ,son, and me in mid July. Oh, by the way my witness mom agrees that the ex was being vengeful. Peace to you, Mr. Flipper

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