Although the Watchtower teachings seem to sound good, when they are analyzed and subjected to the very same scrutiny that the WTS expects "every OTHER" religion to but put under----they fall short in the evidence and proofs that are ARE the truth or even HAVE the truth. The WTS has a hideous past history of false predictions and goofy doctrines that they have been forced to keep changing because they have BEEN false!
It is easy to make the claim the "Jesus chose THEM" in 1918.....and build a religious book publishng company around this fantasy---but SCRIPTURALLY PROVING THIS presents a dilemma for them. It is all based on supposition and the Grand delusions stemming from the imaginations of the Governing Body----who you MUST obey when baptized. (WHATEVER they happen to BE teaching at present!)
Welcome Michael. Use that same logic and ask yourself , Would a loving God only allow the JW to survive and kill everyone else on earth simply because they did not feel like listening to two stranges knocking at their door on a Sunday morning? Also ask what message do they bring to the door? Is there a message or just a magazine or book placement? If JW were really interested in reaching as many people as possible because they truely believe that they are the only ones on earth that have the "truth" would they not use modern technology and the media to reach many people. Going from door to door may have been the only means of getting the message across in bible times but it's not very effective now.
This IS something to give thought to...and with the advent of this wonderful internet---the secrets and the unChristian behavior OF the Watchtower (and the JWs) has been brought out into the open for ALL to see. I accepted a "free, home bible-aids study" in 1969, and knew NOTHING about the bible. I ended up being baptized a JW, and raised five children and a grandchild in this despicable form of religion.
I have robbed THEM of knowing a warm loving and forgiving Jesus Christ, and robbed them of countless milestones and memories that they will never have on Christmas or birthdays, Proms, Scouts, etc. I wasted 30 years of MY life (and theirs) serving the men of the Watchtower and doing my best to live up to THEIR REQUIREMENTS that they claim are GOD'S REQUIREMENTS, which YOU are now in the process of learning.
I am now almost 66, and have the most shredded and dreadful family situation that I could have NEVER DREAMED would ever happen to us.....all because I chose to leave the WTS seven years ago. I saw to much and I knew too much, to even WANT TO BE known as "one of Jehovah's Witnesses" any longer. My conscience and my integrity were far too precious to me to sacrifice to the Watchtowergod for another moment.
PLEASE LEAVE while you still can....and yes, many of the JWs are "nice", but they are also just as terribly misled and misinformed by the leaders of the WTS as the members of those "religions" we have seen and heard about on the news. Their minds have already been successfully stolen by the deceitful and ever-changing teachings of the men of the WTS. I mean this with all my heart. I dearly wish that WE had been able to access this information BEFORE WE got would have saved me a lifetime of wasted effort with nothing to show for it but now being shunned and treated like pondscum by my own family that still follows the WTS directions.