If a JW is an ardent believer, and faithfully practices his or her religion, are they, in your mind, "bad" or "evil", in reality?
OK, Your Opinion: Are Witnesses Who Practice Their Religion "Bad"?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
Absolutely not! Misguided yes, as we all were!, but there's always a chance they'll come to find out the truth about Watchtower. What they do with that information is up to them. To practice JWism after finding out the truth is another story (I appreciate some can't leave through family ties, but those who stay in for their ego's sake are reprehensible)
Of course not.
They are mentally imprisoned.
They may have unwittingly participated in and cooperated with their imprisonment. We all did. But "bad", simply for believing in an illusion? No.
Not bad, just badly misled.
Well, most of the jws around here see me as "bad" and "an evil apostate",
but I don't see them in that way at all.They are merely misguided, and still fooled by the same teachings that
once fooled me. -
As others have already stated, misled and misguided.
Ray Franz said this about those who had caused him such grief ..he said "We are the victims of victims"
I think those who are so blinkered are the victims - not bad people .
No, I just consider them to be misguided. Weren't most of the posters here in the same position at one time?
Weren't most of the posters here in the same position at one time?
Mentally revisit who you were when you were in - were you "bad" or just misguided? Were your actions "bad" or were they motivated by misinformation that then produced hardship for others. What was the intent in your heart? There is your answer. Ignorance can lead to hardship but that doesn't mean one is "bad".