Prepare to be disgusted(more jw e-mails)

by darth frosty 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    This one is the best.

    This is an experience from one of our sisters from Athens Spanish that went to Italy and Greece to serve. She relates this experience that I thought was really interesting. Read on!:

    Hi Everybody,

    I dont have a lot of time so I decided I would share quickly one experience I heard from a sister here in Greece about the work in Armenia.

    I am currently in Thessalonia/Thesaloniki Greece and while I was here I got to stay for almost a week in an apartment at the Assembly Hall here. The Assembly Hall also has 6 Kingdom Halls in it with 4 congregations meeting in each one. There are meetings here in Russian, Armenian and Greek. The overseer and his wife are from Armenia and they are trying to learn english so that they can attend Gilead. A russian pioneer sister who has a teaching degree comes and gives them lessons once a week, so they enjoyed practicing on me.

    Anyway, the Armenian sister told me that a few years ago a woman in
    Armenia started studying the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. But this was no ordinary woman, she was the wife of a powerful Mafia boss in Armenia. She progressed to the point of unbaptized publisher and her husband did not interfere. Her first day in field service she knocked on the door of a man and tried to offer him the magazines. He not only refused but cursed her out to the point that she started crying. When her husband came home that evening she was still upset but was trying hard not to show it in front of her husband because she knew what he would do to that man.

    As the evening went on, he kept asking her what was wrong and she finally burst into tears and told him what happened to her in the ministry. He was angry. He told her, "Write down the man's address!". She pleaded with him not to do anything to hurt him. She is trying to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses and this happens sometimes and they do not retaliate with violence. He promised he would not kill the man. So she gave him the address. He also asked her to give him a set of the magazines that the man refused to take. So she gave them to him.

    Then her husband left the house that same evening to visit the angry householder.
    When he arrived the man was surprised, to say the least to have the
    mafia boss visit his home. He greeted him with respect and said it was an honor to have him at his home. The mafia boss said angrily, "My wife came to your home today. She tried to give you these magazines and your cursed her out and refused to take them." The man replied, " I had no idea that was your wife." He was both afraid and embarassed and kept apologizing.
    The mafia boss said you will take these magazines and read them cover to cover and I will come back and question you on what you read to make sure you really read them. And he left.

    The mafia boss returned home and asked his wife for another set of
    the same magazines. She asked him why, and he replied, how can I question the man if I have not read them myself.

    He went back a couple of days later and questioned the man on the
    material. Turns out that they both liked what they read and today both men and their wives are in the truth. The men/our brothers are serving as elders in the same congregation in Armenia. It was an incredible witness in the village.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Conversion by force. What a wonderful testimony to our Great God Jehober.

    Makes me feel all warm inside.

    Open Mind

  • BFD

    So is he running the mafia from the KH now?


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    That reeks of bull manure.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Give me a break!


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Oh Please!!!! Sounds like someone was watching too many Soprano episodes.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sounds like a good combination - Mafioso and Jwism. If the guy just pretends that he got the spirit, begins to eat the annual crackers, he might get to join the other Mafia types in Brooklyn and soon he can terrorize them as a member of the GB.


  • DJK

    Another big "BS" from me.

    That is so unrealistic, if they read that story at a convention, I bet a lot of eye's will roll.

  • JeffT

    You know, I hope this story is true, and a bunch of senior JW's are now wondering how much chain they can swim with when this guys finds out he was lied to.


    Yeah, what Jeff said !

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