I am SO sorry for your loss, it is such a hard thing in ordinary circumstances, but I think it is harder when the Pharisees have filled your head with the notion that you may actually not die.
Accepting that cycle of birth and death that has operated since Eden is difficult even without that Pharisee nonsense tho, My father passed in '99 and it laid me low. Everything went to hell and I only just recently got my credit back in shape.
Stay strong, look within and you will find that all the things you learned from your grandfather are still there. There will be times when you do something and then stop and remember your grandfather doing the same, and you will know that you carry him on, in your heart. No amount of Pharisee BS or JW recruiting drives masquerading as memorial services can take THAT away from you.
At first, the loss is so great that consolation just doesn't seem possible, sorrow so great that you could swim in it, this is normal.
Then you begin to see that life goes on around you and you feel a little angry at others for daring to be happy in a world without your loved one, or maybe your pain lessens and you feel guilt.
This too, is normal, just remember that your grandfather would not want you to throw away your life.
Eventually you are able to think of your loved one and remember the fun times and actually smile, or recall some joke they told with a chuckle.
It DOES get better, I promise. Word of Honor.
Roller (of the 'I feel your pain' sheep class)