A PUZZLING QUESTION...????...????...????

by Terry 110 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JamesThomas


    I really look forward to seeing the other posts. Very thought provoking,

    Such sentiments are what Terry's stimulating and compelling posts often motivate within people.

    He often has a subtle, yet effective way of smacking us upside the head and awakening us from a harmful path.

    I am one of many who appreciate his presence here.


  • Anti-Christ
    I am one of many who appreciate his presence here.

    I agree, and I would also say the same thing of you.

  • tijkmo
    Something smells funny.

    maybe its the potatoes rotting and losing weight

  • writetoknow

    If you remove the God factor it would be preverted veiw. If you put the God factor in then it would be much longer then a 1000 years of His children killing each other and filling the earth with human blood.

    If God doesn't feel anything for man and of course we do feel more then God for our children because we are God. So what? A childs death is no biggy - there replaceable aren't they.

    And the court are full of people wanting vengence over the death of one of their children we must be superior to a superior being. I just can't wait tell they get OJ I never sleep again until just-us is done.

    Jee what of all the tombs out there honoring war heros and what of those countries we've destroy for killing some of our people. Yes, I'v got it the beneficent wrath of the parent government- everyone sing the song of praise 1,2,3...

    And let us not forget those that gave their live to forward space travel (science) shall we forget them?

    How unrighteous of God for loving his Son how pitifully weak. And how weak God is for letting people do their thing by not breaking His law of free will. Oh we are so much more righteous I am certain we would do it better I just can't wait.

  • Insomniac

    writetoknow- In point of fact, members of the Pagan religion do believe in a Deity. Many of us are polytheists, worshipping multiple gods and goddesses. Many of us are quite devout in our practices. While it is true that many pagans through history have practiced blood sacrifices, this is extremely rare today. When I pray, I have an offering bowl, which is usually fruit, honey, grain, that sort of thing-never flesh. This offering is given to the deity to whom I'm praying; after prayers, it's put outside for the birds to eat.

    I think when you people think of Pagans, you imagine we are some sort of primitive cave-dwelling brutes who sacrifice virgins on granite altars. Actually, I am college educated, own my own business, and regularly attend a non-denominational church. I pray daily, I vote, I pay taxes. Pretty normal and boring. It just bothers me to see my faith slandered and misunderstood. Please people, do a bit of research before you make these statements.

  • Anti-Christ
    Who is a "Pagan?"

    Everybody has their favorite definition of the word "Pagan." Most people are convinced that their meaning is the correct one. But no consensus exists, even within a single faith tradition or religion as to the "correct" definition of "Pagan."

    horizontal rule

    Origin of the term:

    There is general agreement that the word "Pagan" comes from the Latin word "paganus." Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the precise meaning of the word in the fifth century CE and before. There are three main interpretations. 16 None has won general acceptance:

    bulletMost modern Pagan sources interpret the word to have meant "rustic," "hick," or "country bumpkin" -- a pejorative term. The implication was that Christians used the term to ridicule country folk who tenaciously held on to what the Christians considered old-fashioned, outmoded Pagan beliefs. Those in the country were much slower in adopting the new religion of Christianity than were the city folks. They still followed the Greek state religion, Roman state religion, Mithraism, various mystery religions, etc., long after those in urban areas had converted.
    bulletSome believe that in the early Roman Empire, "paganus" came to mean "civilian" as opposed to "military." Christians often called themselves "miles Christi" (Soldiers of Christ). The non-Christians became "pagani" -- non-soldiers or civilians. No denigration would be implied.
    bulletC. Mohrmann suggests that the general meaning was any "outsider," -- a neutral term -- and that the other meanings, "civilian" and "hick," were merely specialized uses of the term. 17

    By the third century CE, its meaning evolved to include all non-Christians. Eventually, it became an evil term that implied the possibility of Satan worship. The latter two meanings are still in widespread use today.

  • writetoknow

    Thank you for your very fine points. I would appreciate and suggest the same is true for many that practice Christainty and it equally true that they take offence at the slanderous comments made about their sincere efforts to worship Christ with or without an group of people put into a business called religion.

    The point is double standards should not apply and for those that are calling yourself a pagan or what ever blaming God or gods for all mans ills is really calling the kettle black. There is plenty of blood shed and blame to go around past and present everyone is a victim of false teaching and misdirect people in the name of religion (not just Christian).

    Man can will shed blood with or without God's help and man can will and does expect humans to sacrifice life for a cause religious or otherwise.

  • writetoknow

    Thank you for your very fine points. I would appreciate and suggest the same is true for many that practice Christainty and it equally true that they take offence at the slanderous comments made about their sincere efforts to worship Christ with or without a group of people put into a business called religion.

    The point is double standards should not apply and for those that are calling yourself a pagan or what ever blaming God or gods for all mans ills is really calling the kettle black. There is plenty of blood shed and blame to go around past and present everyone is a victim of false teachings and misdirect people in the name of religion (not just Christian).

    Man can will shed blood with or without God's help and man can will and does expect humans to sacrifice life for a cause religious or otherwise. To state God is evil because he offered his Son is about as tragic as the fireman that give their life trying to save life. People do not like their beliefs mocked and when it is done to them they want respect and are offended. That was my point in my many post on this thread anyone can find fault and call it critical thinking if it does not mean anything to them. However, it is another matter when it done to them.

    Just because people took a stand for a religion and it proved to be wrong and hurt other because of the teachings - does not mean nothing is right about God or the bible. Those standards are so far out that man could not improved if everytime something was found to be wrong in any field of life. Then they started doing everything they could to hate and disprove anything on the subject .

    That is in itself a form of religious fanaticism.

    The word salvation is ungodly? Salvation: saving or being saved 2. deliverance from sin and damnation 3. person or thing thats saves.

    I've seen a lot people saved from death and many lost to death being saved from death was never a dirty word to any that were saved. They appreciated the person saving them. So if these people doing the saving are ungodly for providing salvation to a person in need we have become very sad people over words or very self-centered

  • Terry


    The term Pagan is from Latinpaganus, an adjective originally meaning "rural", "rustic" or "of the country." As a noun, paganus was used to mean "country dweller, villager." In colloquial use, it could mean much the same as calling someone today a 'bumpkin' or a 'hillbilly'.

    Terry, some of us here on the board are proud to call themselves Pagans. My religious practice is rooted in peace. I would prefer if you not refer to my faith as "the abortive and brutal nonsense of pagan theology."

    Perhaps if my religion celebrated a god who watched a righteous man like Job lose his wealth, his children, his own health, all in order to settle a bet with Satan, or who allows his own son to be tortured to death, in order to prove a point...then you could call my religion "brutal nonsense."

    Christians have no need to feel embarrased for having taken many of their traditions from Paganism; they ought to be proud.

  • Terry

    Because God sacrificed HIMSELF ....

    To who?

    Jesus died...BUT...he came back to life. Sacrifice?

    God gave his only begotten son....BUT...he got him back again. Sacrifice?

    None of it is sensible.

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