As Time Goes By - Do they all begin to look alike to you?

by AK - Jeff 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I mean, religions.

    While I am far from being anti-religious, organized religion, especially of the more 'fundamental' sort, is all beginning to blend into the same puddle for me. I have not given up on God, or spirituality, and in fact still consider myself Christian. I just don't feel any desire at this point to participate in the formal nature of religious groups at all.

    I don't know where that will take me in time - but I almost cringe now to be around those who want to 'sell their wares' religiously. It seems to me to be pushy, and most who do that also engage in big-time bashing and judging of other religious groups.

    Don't get me wrong - I am not bashing them here - but the lines have begun to run in the rain for me.

    How about you?


  • JK666


    The last thing I need right now is someone else cramming their doctrines down my throat. I shy away from organized religion too.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    jk - I see you are up at this ungodly hour of the night also. I am headed to work, what's your excuse?


  • purplesofa
  • JK666


    I just got home. We are ships passing in the night.


  • Hortensia

    yes, to me they look pretty much the same. I personally think the time for organized religion is past, but it seems the fanatics are taking over. I dislike all organized religion.


    I feel the same way. I havn't given up on God. I Just don't have a desire or need to attend another religion.

  • OnTheWayOut

    All I can do is relate as I see it.

    I was tricked into a mind-control cult when I was at my lowest point.
    God would certainly forgive me for my need to stay away from ANY ORGANIZED RELIGION
    whatsoever, for the rest of my life- is I so choose.

    I have not personally visited different religions and asked the questions to see what the
    exact feelings on disagreements are, but they would all pretty much feel the same to me.
    I think the Mormons or another cult would seem bizarre, but so would a Jewish temple or
    a Mosque. Anything short of spiritual would feel like Alcoholics Anonymous- just a
    giant group therapy, but there is nothing wrong with that.

    As a Christian, you stand in front of God to be judged as an individual. If you do good and
    avoid organized religion, you will be fine. He won't smite you.

  • aligot ripounsous
  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous


    I feel exactly the way you do, that's why I remain a JW, pending an hypothetical better bet. I have to say, though, that so far, apart from crazy mormons, no other denomination has knocked at my door to tell me what they think the truth is.

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