Americans fail to care about other's?

by Amazing 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    I saw this comment on another thread, and felt it deserved some highlighting:

    "Many Americans don't care a whole lot about what is going on in other countries unless it affects them. But this applies to people in most countries as well. "out of site, out of mind" is a very human thing. It was a horrible wake up call for most of us."

    I agree that on the surface, it seems that the average person anywhere, and in this discussion Americans, may seem indifferent to the plight of other nations -- at least until the 9-11 wake up call.

    I do contend that this is really not the case. Almost any schoolkid can can tell parents about learning about the poverty and strife in other nations, especially thrid world countries. I can turn on the TV and every night see commercials about the need to send money to this or that charity for thrid world nations.

    I can go to work and see contribution boxes for Christian Children's fund, or walk into the store and have people stop me before I enter to give to some charity for a foreign cause. Once inside, the grocery store will have contribution boxes at the check-out lane for some charity.

    At the intersections in many major cities we see Knight of Columbus, or other religious charities collecting for foreign missions. One can go into any church and find collections for charitable acts in foreign nations.

    And in addition to the rerquested funds, there are as many request for volunteers, either locally part time to load trucks, serve food at kitchens, to going to school to be trained to work in a foreign land. The USA had had the Peace Corp, and others sent to aid foreign lands. Even our military has engaged in providing humanitarian aid. Then to top this off, the American taxpayer, vis income taxes, pays for vast anmounts of federal foreign aid. Yet, the average American is willing to do more, but feelings helpless to go beyond what I mention above.

    Why, then, the continuous barrage about Americans living with their heads in the sand? Simply, what is wanted from us is to do everything in the interest of other nations. They want the USA to jump everytime they say frog. They want out political policies to meet their exact desires.

    Bin Laden, for example, does not want food, or medicine, or clothing. He is simply pissed that USA troops are located in Saudi Arabia, a land he calls "Holy" because it is where Mecca, the capital of Islam. He ignores the fact the our troops were invited there to help spill their blood to liberate Kuwait, and shield Saudi Arabia. No, he has no sense of graditude, but rather fanatical demands that are insane, idiotic, and selfish (that is he cares not for the poor, but rqather his selfish ideology.)

    And somehow they believe the propaganda that the average American or our government is somehow out of touch with the plight of other nations. Yet, they manage to ignore the fact that our nation has given more in aid since WWII to nations in pain than all the other nations in the world put together. And we continue to give. We are even giveing now humanitarian aid to Afghanis while taking out their oppressor, and seeking the criminal mastermind Bin Laden. The USA keeps on doing good "anyway" inspite of the criticism, because of the good hearts of a free nation.

    Are we God's nation? I don't think God has a specific nation anymore than he has a specific religion. But, I believe that God uses the USA for good, as he does use other good nations. The point with this discussion is to not make America out to be some perfect righteous nation that is above all others, but to simply point out that the criticism is often without merit, or overblown.

    {b]What about bad policy? Yep, I have heard we have bad foreign policy in some cases. For example, how the evil USA invaded Panama, and took out a foreign leader, Noriega. Yes, the USA did technically violate international law in this policy. But, Noriega violated its own nation's laws and seized the elections, and he was a drug dealer that was in some ways a CIA informant gone bad. Many Panamaniam leaders wanted USA help. And so our government made a judgment call because of our close ties with Panama.

    And of those who complain about USA policy, never seem to state all the facts, and are usually not very specific about what policy or action is bad, but what I often hear are allegations based on speculative propaganda.

    Why then does the USA not do more? COuld we go into more bad nations, take our their governments, set up democracies, send in food, medicine, clothing, and educations, and equipment? Yes. But, many times we are told to keep to ourselves, and mind our own business by the very people who are the first to bitch when we fail to act. Damned if we do, and damned if we don't. I am not sure if the USA should be in the nation building business, making everyone into a democratic society. Some like their kingdoms, and others like their communism, or dictator, or religious theocrat. So, why is it the responsibility of American to change them?

    Support for Israel? Yep, their an ally since 1945. But, the USA is getting down on Israel because it has turned into an oppressor of the Palestinians to some degree, that is if you listen only to the PLO propaganda. I have heard little of Israeli propaganda. So I cannot weigh both sides.

    Individual Americans are essentially helping in other ways besides funding charities and working as volunteers. We also write to our federal legislators and the executive, and today with email, that is happening at a greater pace and in larger scope. And you can be assured that politicians read the mail, and their staff tally opinions. This is what affects policy changes many times.

    Americans do not fail[/b] to care or have their heads in the sand. We do all we can and in ways they we believe will be most helpful. We are not always aware of problems or others, but we are not blind or uneducated most of the time. And 9-11 was not a wake up call to now realize others nations have problems, but rather a wake up call that we have let our security get lax and too trusting. That freedom and trust was abused by criminals. So, today, America is more cautious, and ready to put a stop to the bullshit and whining from radical religous fanatics, and shove their own shit back down the lying throats of these mad idiots. - Amazing

  • Seeker
    Why, then, the continuous barrage about Americans living with their heads in the sand?

    Because that is the case to a greater degree than with citizens of other countries. Ask a European about American history, and you'll likely get a better answer than asking an American about Spanish history. Heh, most Americans can't even find other countries on the map. Or learn other languages. Or hear news stories about other countries.

    Yes, there is anecdotal evidence available to support all sides, and stereotypes can be wrong. But this is one stereotype that has some basis, for many American do live with their heads in American sand. Look at how many folks on this board indicated they had barely even heard of the Taliban before these events. There are some smart folks here, and yet many said they were ignorant of a huge human rights atrocity that had been ongoing for years in Afghanistan.

    Probably a natural reaction from living in the most powerful nation on earth, but not a reaction that engenders affection from everyone else around the world.

  • Seeker

    Actually, let me be more fair. The title of the thread (as opposed to the sentence I previously commented on) is about Americans caring about others. I agree with that. Although Americans are generally more ignorant about others, once their attention is focused on the needs of another nation, there are few people more generous or caring.

  • Amazing

    Hi Seeker: You make some very excellent points. You noted,

    "Because that is the case to a greater degree than with citizens of other countries. Ask a European about American history, and you'll likely get a better answer than asking an American about Spanish history. Heh, most Americans can't even find other countries on the map. Or learn other languages. Or hear news stories about other countries."

    When I was growing up, our world history. American history, and social studies was very extensive. I went to Catholic School, which tended to be more thorough and comprehensive about these topics than Public Schools.

    In the last 25 to 30 years, our school systems have changed in their deluvery of these topics, and move into other directions. But also, with the change in 'disciplinary' standards, kids today are not made to learn as much, moved through the system faster without holding them back to assure they learned something, and their interests have moved more and more to personal and instant gratification. This allows them to ignore much of what is going on around them.

    Watching Jay Leno with his "Jey Walking" routine is funny, but makes me ill when people cannot even tell you where the US States are, or who is President. Just basic stuff. And the vast majority of his interviews are conducted with younger people.

    But, I also see change on the horizon, and improvement in the school systems. And some of the young people I run into do seem to be better about understanding the world around them. I am not sure if this is a trend, but it feels good anyway.

    As far as other languages, this has been weak since the end of WWII. For some reason, Americans are less able or willing to learn other languages. Although, there is an good increase in Spanish because of continued migration here from Latin America. So, some Americans at least have made good effort to learn Spanish.

    Culturally, we are weak as well. When other people come here they seem to better understand our cultural ways, and work with us. But, we often offend them, not because of innocent cultural errors, but we seem daft about learning little basics to accomodate other cultures. So, as a nation we do need a lot of improvement in these areas.

    Thanks again. - Amazing

  • Seeker
    Watching Jay Leno with his "Jey Walking" routine is funny, but makes me ill when people cannot even tell you where the US States are, or who is President. Just basic stuff. And the vast majority of his interviews are conducted with younger people

    Yes, isn't that the most incredible thing? I realize they edit out all but the funny ones, but the fact that they can find anyone that ignorant is always remarkable.

    I tend to think things will improve as well. I think the Net will help. Before the Net, I didn't have friends in Europe and Australia, but I do now. As we get to know other people and nations more, we will learn more.

  • Amazing

    Hi Seeker: You made a very good point with this:

    "I think the Net will help. Before the Net, I didn't have friends in Europe and Australia, but I do now. As we get to know other people and nations more, we will learn more."

    The power of fast, real time, information is already transforming this planet. We, as you well know too, have seen how the Net has affected JWs growth and functioning in the western nations. The Net has made us as powerful without having a publishing empire.

    The Taliban forbid their people TV, the Internet, etc. So, it seems they fear information getting to their captive people. And, they also know the value in their own propaganda schemes. But, I have the feeling that the Net is going to continue to shape our globe in ways that will prove mostly positive, and create a great check and balanew against the bad guys - whoever or whatever they prove to be.

    Thanks again. - Amazing

  • Englishman


    I have learned more about America in the last month than I have learned in my entire life. There isn't much wrong with a country that can pull that hard as a team!

    Englishman taking his hat off to the USA.

    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Kent

    Hi Amazing;

    I don't think Americans in general are worse than other people as for caring for others. They are just so incredibly ignorant to what's happening around the world!

    The US media are sencoring news all the time. When the spokesman for Bin Laden were on CNN the other day, CNN Europe showed him saying "No Muslims in England or the US should take planes or go into high buildings". This was NOT shoved in the US.

    I can see the need for not making panic - but this is the same in many things. I hope the news will be less biased (and Amrican popular opinion) when Internet makes news available from all over the world.

    You know, when I hear some people speaking about all the good the US have done around the world, how the US helped this and that government - it reminds me of the Muslims screaming in the streets on Islamabad!

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Amazing

    Hi Kent: You make some good points about USA media. And Americans are increasingly aware and frustrated with this. But those who have extensive cable channels, about 500+ can and do listen to networks from other countries. I have watched Iraqi TV, even what they call 'entertainment' programs. We have BBC, UK House of Commons, CBC, and other networks and shows besides US based stations.

    Americans are admittedly weak in geography and history. This trend started in the 1960s, and has gotten worse, but some signs on the horizon shows some improvement. In various testing comparisons, Americans excell and are improving in some categories, but in the geography and history area of nations outside the USA we score low. Watching shows like Weakest Link or Who Wants to be a Millionaire shows that weakness in a cross section of Americans.

    You concluded by saying, "You know, when I hear some people speaking about all the good the US have done around the world, how the US helped this and that government - it reminds me of the Muslims screaming in the streets on Islamabad!"

    Americans, like me, do this in defense of what seems like attacks on our nation. Sometimes comments come in that the USA 'deserved' this or that act because we did something wrong in our foreign policies. Even a professor from Harvard recently said that the World Trade Center attacks we a result of the USA terrorizing and killing millions of innocent people around the world.

    So, I bring up the other side as a check and balance to these types of allegations, not as an act of boasting, as though we are better than other nations, but that we are not the 'Evil' Great Satan Empire alleged by some Islamic leaders.

    Also, I find the allegations are always vague claims with little or no specifics to acts of the USA, and so I tend to defy their credibility as little more than greatly embellished propaganda.

    I recognize the Americans have weaknesses, and need improvement in many areaa in addition to those already mentioned, but I think that overall the USA is to be classed among good nations that try to do good, both at the political level and down to the individual citizen.

    I will admit that the USA has also been the source of bad religions going out to other nations, JWs and Mormons to name just two, and this has been to the harm of other peoples in many countries. So, we as a nation and as people are far from perfect, and need to grow.

    America is still by comparison a young nation, and has a long way to go before it can ever achieve some cultural stability and maturity. Hope that helps some. - Amazing

  • Simon

    I think the US appears quite arrogant sometimes because of the way it responds to things like the Keyoto agreement (and nearly anything to do with the environment) and often gives the impression that it is happy to scrifice the 'rest of the world wherever it is' as long as the standard of living for it's citizens is maintained...


    ...the US has improved a great deal as regards it's foreign policy and does seem to understand the reality of the world but unfortunately has the legacy from former administrations that sowed the seeds of resentment that it now has to cope with.

    The UK is just as guilty as the US with regard to the medddling with the middle east and such (in fact, probably more so since the even more arrogant colonial British days) but we have to live with what we have.

    I like Americans. I love their positive outlook and think their society, despite it's problem, is generally a good one. I know I would much rather live in America than nearly any other country in the world and THAT is the ultimate test and testimony at the end of the day isn't it? In fact I'd rather be there than here in the UK (although I'd most like to be Canadian but that will probably just annoy Americans more eh? I know.. I watched South Park the Movie)

    When the US goes in guns-blazing (which they have done with restraint) they do it for us, on our side. I am glad they do and thankful that they use their awesome military power the way that they do.

    Almost all the Americans I've met have been kind and out-of-their-way helpful in a way that puts us British to shame. Sure, their country has made mistakes in the past as others have but I think they more than make up for it!

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