I saw this comment on another thread, and felt it deserved some highlighting:
"Many Americans don't care a whole lot about what is going on in other countries unless it affects them. But this applies to people in most countries as well. "out of site, out of mind" is a very human thing. It was a horrible wake up call for most of us."
I agree that on the surface, it seems that the average person anywhere, and in this discussion Americans, may seem indifferent to the plight of other nations -- at least until the 9-11 wake up call.
I do contend that this is really not the case. Almost any schoolkid can can tell parents about learning about the poverty and strife in other nations, especially thrid world countries. I can turn on the TV and every night see commercials about the need to send money to this or that charity for thrid world nations.
I can go to work and see contribution boxes for Christian Children's fund, or walk into the store and have people stop me before I enter to give to some charity for a foreign cause. Once inside, the grocery store will have contribution boxes at the check-out lane for some charity.
At the intersections in many major cities we see Knight of Columbus, or other religious charities collecting for foreign missions. One can go into any church and find collections for charitable acts in foreign nations.
And in addition to the rerquested funds, there are as many request for volunteers, either locally part time to load trucks, serve food at kitchens, to going to school to be trained to work in a foreign land. The USA had had the Peace Corp, and others sent to aid foreign lands. Even our military has engaged in providing humanitarian aid. Then to top this off, the American taxpayer, vis income taxes, pays for vast anmounts of federal foreign aid. Yet, the average American is willing to do more, but feelings helpless to go beyond what I mention above.
Why, then, the continuous barrage about Americans living with their heads in the sand? Simply, what is wanted from us is to do everything in the interest of other nations. They want the USA to jump everytime they say frog. They want out political policies to meet their exact desires.
Bin Laden, for example, does not want food, or medicine, or clothing. He is simply pissed that USA troops are located in Saudi Arabia, a land he calls "Holy" because it is where Mecca, the capital of Islam. He ignores the fact the our troops were invited there to help spill their blood to liberate Kuwait, and shield Saudi Arabia. No, he has no sense of graditude, but rather fanatical demands that are insane, idiotic, and selfish (that is he cares not for the poor, but rqather his selfish ideology.)
And somehow they believe the propaganda that the average American or our government is somehow out of touch with the plight of other nations. Yet, they manage to ignore the fact that our nation has given more in aid since WWII to nations in pain than all the other nations in the world put together. And we continue to give. We are even giveing now humanitarian aid to Afghanis while taking out their oppressor, and seeking the criminal mastermind Bin Laden. The USA keeps on doing good "anyway" inspite of the criticism, because of the good hearts of a free nation.
Are we God's nation? I don't think God has a specific nation anymore than he has a specific religion. But, I believe that God uses the USA for good, as he does use other good nations. The point with this discussion is to not make America out to be some perfect righteous nation that is above all others, but to simply point out that the criticism is often without merit, or overblown.
{b]What about bad policy? Yep, I have heard we have bad foreign policy in some cases. For example, how the evil USA invaded Panama, and took out a foreign leader, Noriega. Yes, the USA did technically violate international law in this policy. But, Noriega violated its own nation's laws and seized the elections, and he was a drug dealer that was in some ways a CIA informant gone bad. Many Panamaniam leaders wanted USA help. And so our government made a judgment call because of our close ties with Panama.
And of those who complain about USA policy, never seem to state all the facts, and are usually not very specific about what policy or action is bad, but what I often hear are allegations based on speculative propaganda.
Why then does the USA not do more? COuld we go into more bad nations, take our their governments, set up democracies, send in food, medicine, clothing, and educations, and equipment? Yes. But, many times we are told to keep to ourselves, and mind our own business by the very people who are the first to bitch when we fail to act. Damned if we do, and damned if we don't. I am not sure if the USA should be in the nation building business, making everyone into a democratic society. Some like their kingdoms, and others like their communism, or dictator, or religious theocrat. So, why is it the responsibility of American to change them?
Support for Israel? Yep, their an ally since 1945. But, the USA is getting down on Israel because it has turned into an oppressor of the Palestinians to some degree, that is if you listen only to the PLO propaganda. I have heard little of Israeli propaganda. So I cannot weigh both sides.
Individual Americans are essentially helping in other ways besides funding charities and working as volunteers. We also write to our federal legislators and the executive, and today with email, that is happening at a greater pace and in larger scope. And you can be assured that politicians read the mail, and their staff tally opinions. This is what affects policy changes many times.
Americans do not fail[/b] to care or have their heads in the sand. We do all we can and in ways they we believe will be most helpful. We are not always aware of problems or others, but we are not blind or uneducated most of the time. And 9-11 was not a wake up call to now realize others nations have problems, but rather a wake up call that we have let our security get lax and too trusting. That freedom and trust was abused by criminals. So, today, America is more cautious, and ready to put a stop to the bullshit and whining from radical religous fanatics, and shove their own shit back down the lying throats of these mad idiots. - Amazing