loved it Amazing!
Americans fail to care about other's?
by Amazing 31 Replies latest jw friends
As usual your jealousy of Americans is showing like a pubescent boner. Your generalizations of our national intelligence level continues to make you look like the little boy that has to put others down to make yourself look good. What a shame, someone like yourself who has shown both a high level of intelligence and a low level of class might want to check out the transparency of your own walls before you start throwing stones.
Its easy to observe the faults of others when you yourself are invisible.
Down here in Oz I find there is hatred for America (as the USA is called) from certain sections of the community.
As you know Australia is a multicultural society (some say multi-racial, but that's another topic) and those who are from families of several generations, as well as western Europeans are very supportive of America. (Sorry, but this is a generalisation, I know).
I've noticed, however, that those from Arab lands, as well as areas that America has intervened in, show a great deal of antipathy toward the US. Australia has many refugees from the former Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, the fact is that these people hate America. Why? Because of the bombing and destruction of innocent lives.
I know this isn't what our American friends intended but it is a result of what America has done in the past.
I can only imagine that we are now sowing the seeds of more hatred of America in a new generation.
How sad for us all.
Ozzie"It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
Anonymous -
Kent wrote:
The US media are sencoring news all the time. When the spokesman for Bin Laden were on CNN the other day, CNN Europe showed him saying "No Muslims in England or the US should take planes or go into high buildings". This was NOT shoved in the US.
I can see the need for not making panic - but this is the same in many things. I hope the news will be less biased (and Amrican popular opinion) when Internet makes news available from all over the world.
I must get European CNN then, because I heard it on the news, and I don't watch it that much.
One reason why Americans are not as informed about other countries and they are about the U.S. (generally speaking) is because the U.S. is in the news around the world much more than most other countries. Norwegians may know a lot about America but, for example, how much does the average Norwegian know about Guatemala? How much are countries like Canada, Spain, Germany, France on CNN compared to the U.S.? Makes a difference.
'The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size' --Oliver Wendell Holmes
Hi Amazing
Americans, like me, do this in defense of what seems like attacks on our nation.
And rightly so. This WAS an attack, and so is the Anthrax stuff. I don't deny that at all, and I do absolutely NOT say that the US should not answer to an attack like this.seven006 as usual, doesn't understand nothing about what I said. I don't know if he simply wants to misunderstand me, or if he really is that stupid, and I really don't care either. But facts are I feel things are getting better after September 11. Reasons?
I said: "You know, when I hear some people speaking about all the good the US have done around the world, how the US helped this and that government - it reminds me of the Muslims screaming in the streets on Islamabad!"
Obviously some dimwit "understood" this to mean something I never intended. The reason people show all the hatred in "Islamabad" is ignorance, among other things - let's forget US policy just for a while. They have been TOLD how the US really is like, and they HATE the US as a result. Their religious and political leaders has TOLD them the truth, and radio and TV contains the sitting regimes official views - and that's that.
When I say the US reactions reminds me of this, it's because many Americans are just as ignorant to what happens other places in the world. Since I went online, I regurarly get mails telling me how wonderful the US is, and how they "helped out" a lot of places.
Yes, the US has helped out, but they have also been following their own agenda. The US has not only supported drug-barons, they've helped them. The CIA has organized drug smuggling big scale, both inside Asia and to the US. The US has done political assassinations all over the world, supported "revolutions", and supported people like Bin Laden. In fact, it was CIA who trained Bin Laden, and gave him his weapons!
CIA trained Saddam Hussein, the Brittish trained Idi Amin. The story goes on and on, and it's always what the "super-powers" have done TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN INTERESTS!
Because the facts are the western countries never cared much about the so called 3. world, development countries. WE give aid, Norway too, and we're supposed to be of the best in the class. But facts are 99% of such development programs under direction of the UN has been to disadvantage of the country they were supposed to help!
Much of this help is more designed to help the giver-countrys own industry, and the pay-back is cheep raw materials - for a fraction of the price. We - included Norway - could buy goods from these countries, buy agricultural goods, as one example. But we don't. We have import restrictions, because we want to keep our own subsidized shit running.
There is a lot of politics and mecanisms running this show - and I'm not sure the average American knows so much more about what happens and have been happening in Kashmir, Bangladesh, Palestine, Afghanistan and other places than the people rallying the streets protesting against the US know about the general American and the US.
And, seven006, keep on the way you started. You are an example of why some people think Americans are some arrogant assholes. Some feel they should make planes fall out of the sky and send them Anthrax in envelopes. I just laugh at people like you. So arrogant, and so ignorant to the world around you.
How many percent in the world do you think agree with me - and then with you?
I never said the US should not defend itself, and I added a support link for the US on the Watchtower Observer as soon as these were available. Being ignorant to word affairs has nothing to do with intelligence - but what information you get.
In your case - THAT has something to do with intelligence.
Yakki Da
I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: -
Kent buddy, you completely misunderstood me. I gave you a complement before I said you were idiot, I call it the Kent complement/bash technique.
You see my bohemian boozecicle pal, I have been reading your posts for about six months now and I see this highly pseudo intellect pattern that has become quite apparent in all your posts. It's kind of like yoyo mentality. You toss a slight complement out then you yank it back in with your typical American bashing. Then if anyone says anything about it you get on your little soap box and jump up and down crying "you misunderstood me, you misunderstood me"!!!
Let me give you an example:
Kent has an exJW web site that really goes after the JW's so he must be pretty intelligent even though he is a bigoted booze drenched slob.
Now, you can come back at me and call me ignorant, arrogant and uniformed and then I can come back and say "you misunderstood me! I said you had an exJW web site, that's a good thing".Unlike some who think you are exempt from having to practice common curtesy and a little compassion because you have a JW web site I try see you in a whole picture scenario. If someone doesn't agree with your half complement half insult way of trying to make a point you immediately revert to your school boy tantrum throwing and start calling everyone ignorant and uninformed. Well pal, I'm here to tell ya, you could sure pass for the official spokes person for the ignorant and uninformed.
Why don't you try and find a new punch line, the one you have been using for the past several months is getting a little old? But I think your a great guy and I wish I lived in Norway, even though they still kill the majority of whales on the planet. But I like Norway, it's great little insignificant country. The people are so smart, just ask them, they'll tell you so. They are the biggest contributors to world peace and they feed all the hungry nations and their army and navy keep the world safe from all the big bad nasty hump back whales swimming in the ocean. Thank you Norway, since you have been on the job not one single American has been killed by a hump back whale in over twenty years!
Why don't you say what you really mean without trying to hide behind a lame ass attempt to disguisee it with a worthless pseudo complement hidden in mid sentence? You don't like Americans, have the balls to admit it straight up, and BTW, most of us don't like you either.
Kent, you don't know shit about me or any other American so blow it out your web site pal.
Well, mr. seven006;
I see you don't know shit about whales either.
Yakki Da
I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: -
blow it out your ignorance Kent
Norwegian Whaling Threatens Endangered Species
In the first week of May, almost 30 Norwegian whaling vessels set out for the annual hunt of Minke whales in the North Atlantic ocean.On 17 January, the government of Norway announced that it would approve the export of whale meat and blubber under certain conditions. Hundreds of tons of minke whale products, often packed in cartons labeled in Japanese, are waiting in warehouses in Norway.
When whale meat is shipped from country to country, it is not only the whales that die. Whale meat is a high value commodity and international trade provides the cover for pirate whalers who catch all species regardless of how rare they are.
If Norway resumes export in minke whales, not only will it provide a cover for pirate whalers to hunt threatened whale species all over the world, but it will generate huge pressure from the whalers to be allowed to kill more whales so they can make more money. Norway's chief whaling scientist has suggested that the quota could be increased from 500 a year to 3,000 a year and the whalers are already demanding that they be allowed to hunt additional species.
Please enter your address below and a letter to the Prime Minister of
LOL. Greenpeace? They had not recognized a whale if it landed in their heads. Kids raised on McShit who tries to tell the rest of the world that animals are soooo cute.
Of course, Seven, since you could not address anything Kent said, you had to come up with a red herring -- or perhaps a red whale -- instead. Pretty pathetic knee jerk response to a well balanced evaluation by Kent.
- Jan
"Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets -
I did address what he said or tried to say. I explained his bullshit way of posting and his excessive American bashing.
Here's a clue for both of you. I am not in the CIA and neither is the majority of Americans. The majority of Americas did not give guns to drug lords or American hating
people like Kent and Bin Laden. Believe it or not, we do not hold daily votes on what the CIA should or should not do.Do either one of you have control over your countries secret little government departments? Do either one of you take the blame for stupid ass things they may or may not do? I don't think Kent has killed a single whale but since he likes to group each and every American into a pile of blood thirsty gun toting morons I just thought I'd call him a whale killer.
Get a clue boys, not every American has control over what the government does, just as you two have no control over yours. So stop grouping all of us into one pile of idiots to fit your personal insecurities. I have done business through the years with many Europeans and in my opinion they are as arrogant as they accuse us of being.
Bashing people of any race, religion, creed or nationality is as stupid as stupid can get and shows complete insecurity in yourself and your own kind. I have just grown sick of Kent's continual attacks on Americans. I am not going to swap insults with him, I have more intelligent things to do in my life than play into his childish insecurities. That goes for all his little puppets also.